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Adaugat in data de 13-04-2011

Configuratorul de parinti - campanie ING Asigurari de Viata cu excursie la Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012

Configuratorul de parinti - campanie ING Asigurari de Viata cu excursie la Jocurile Olimpice de la Londra 2012
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ING Asigurari de Viata a dat startul unei noi campanii de promovare a planurilor financiare pentru copii, continuand seria demersurilor deja traditionale pentru constientizarea din partea parintilor a nevoii de a economisi pentru copii. Campania “Configuratorul de parinti” se adreseaza atat clientilor noi, cat si celor existenti, care incheie pana pe data de 30 iunie 2011 o asigurare pentru copii la ING.

Participantii pot castiga, prin tragere la sorti, o excursie impreuna cu familia la ceremonia de deschidere a Jocurilor Olimpice de la Londra din 2012 sau unul dintre premiile zilnice constand in seturi de mingi si palete.

Campania se desfasoara in mediul online (, unde vizitatorii pot parcurge “Configuratorul de parinti” si pot intra in legatura cu consultantii ING pentru a afla informatii despre planurile financiare pentru copii.

Pe site-ul ING Asigurari de Viata ( sunt disponibile informatii complete despre regulamentul campaniei si premiile puse in joc, si tot aici va fi publicata lista castigatorilor dupa tragerea la sorti din data de 18 iulie 2011.

“Configuratorul de parinti” consta intr-un test cu cinci intrebari privind diferite aspecte ale relatiei cu cei mici, in functie de variantele de raspuns fiind delimitate patru categorii de parinti.
Astfel, parintele “closca” este acela care prefera sa isi petreaca tot timpul in preajma copilului sau, parintele “prieten” e mai degraba un tovaras de joaca pentru cel mic, “profesorul” - un mentor, iar parintele “sensei” - cel care evita sa-si protejeze exagerat copilul, preferand sa-l lase cat mai mult pe propriile picioare.

“Asa cum se intampla in multe aspecte din viata, si in privinta modului in care interactionam cu copiii nostri suntem foarte diferiti. Prin campania pe care o desfasuram vrem insa sa subliniem faptul ca, dincolo de aceste deosebiri, orice parinte isi doreste sa ii ofere copilului sau siguranta si sprijin in proiectele importante din viata, iar o asigurare de viata poate fi un sprijin important pentru a atinge aceste obiective”, a declarat Carmen Soare, Director Marketing ING Asigurari de Viata.

Planurile pentru copii de la ING, GenT pentru Copil si Academica, indeplinesc un dublu rol: permit parintilor sa economiseasca pentru le asigura copiilor un suport financiar la majorat si ofera, in acelasi timp, protectia financiara a familiei in cazul decesului sau invaliditatii parintelui. Astfel, indiferent de valoarea primelor platite pana in momentul producerii unuia dintre aceste riscuri, ING preia plata primelor, iar copilul beneficiaza de indemnizatia de asigurare la sfarsitul perioadei de plata a primelor.

Constientizarea nevoii de a planifica din timp obiectivele importante din viata copiilor – precum cele legate de educatie sau de asigurarea unui start bun in viata de adult - ii determina pe consumatori sa suplimenteze sumele economisite si resursele alocate asigurarii pentru copii. Astfel, in portofoliul total de planuri financiare pentru copii incheiate la ING in 2011 suma asigurata medie este cu 5% mai mare fata de anul precedent, in timp ce prima bruta anuala este cu circa 7% mai mare comparativ cu 2010.

In acelasi timp, planurile financiare pentru copii continua sa fie printre cele mai solicitate produse la ING, reprezentand circa un sfert din portofoliul total de contracte in vigoare (similar cu nivelul din 2010) si 30% din totalul contractelor noi din trimestrul intai 2011, in crestere cu 2% fata de acelasi interval al anului trecut..

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Writing a medical thesis or dissertation is a task done by almost all postgraduate and master\'s medical students. Dissertation is derived from the Latin word disserto which means discuss. It is essential to write successful medical papers such as medicine essays and medical thesis papers. There are several reasons as to why students write medicine essays. One of the reasons is to promote enhancement of critical judgment, research skills as well as analytical skills. Moreover, medicine essay writing produce students with the ability to 4evaluate and analyze data critically. The initial step for writing medicine essays is to choose a topic. A writer should have at least three topics to choose from. The topic has to be interesting, feasible and relevant. It is essential to write quality medicine essay. Hence, students need to have analytical skills and perfect writing skills. The writing skills will enable them write outstanding essay papers that can be highly regarded by instructors and professors. Teachers often require a lot and expect a lot from their students in terms of medicine essay writing. for this reason, students find essay writing to be an extremely difficult task and hence resort to buying custom medicine essays. A custom medicine essay has to be written by professional writers who are qualified in the field of nursing. Moreover, the custom medicine essay has to be original and plagiarism free. This means that it has to be written from scratch by experts with many years experience. The many years experience should enable a writer to write any form of medical paper including medical thesis, medicine essay and even medicine research paper. Moreover, experience will enable a writer to write a medicine essay that can guarantee academic success. Students get custom medicine essays from custom writing company. It is essential to choose the best company so that one can get the best custom medicine essay. The best and the most reliable medicine essay writing company should have some unique characteristics such as affordability and the ability to provide original and superior quality medicine essays. The other quality is that the company has to hire expert writers who can write quality medicine essays and other types of medical papers. The essays should not only be quality but also plagiarism free and free of grammatical and spelling mistakes. A custom medicine essay has a similar structure to any other academic essay assignment. It has an introduction that introduces the topic and tells the reader what the essay is all about. The second section is the body that has many paragraphs supporting the main topic. Finally there is the conclusion that briefly summarizes what has been discussed in the body section of the essay. Students should choose reliable writing companies so that they can get quality custom papers on several fields such as technology, sociology and law in addition to medicine field. Our custom writing company is the best company that all clients should rely on when in need of any given type of medicine paper. We provide quality papers that not only plagiarism free but also original. Moreover, our custom papers are affordable and able to guarantee academic excellence at all times. All our medical papers are reliable and sure of satisfying clients at all times.  
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KvR9do Looking forward to reading more. Great blog article.Much thanks again. Cool.
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aPqHJq wow, awesome article. Great.
GRDA has faithfully sold etrileccity to cities for half a century, no complaints.They have built an industry worth one and half billion dollars of assets. They cangenerate etrileccity with hydro, coal, natural gas and wind power. There's nochance they could go broke and take us down with them. No chance we willever be without power.OMPA has a long time debt of close to eight hundred million dollars with a fewmore million needed. Their assets are shares bought from generating plants,bought with borrowed money thus the long time debt. Does this sound like abusiness deal the city should get envolved with?Galloway's letter of persuation to the City Council sounded more like a demand,than a request, for the council to approve OMPA's contract. If you think themumbo-jumbo of city staff couldn't convince the City Council to choose OMPAover GRDA, think again. It almost happened without public comment or avote of the people. When five people including GRDA's Official spoke againstOMPA's contract , it was tabled. The council agreed to have a meeting withGRDA and OMPA Officials to compare their contracts. I've heard nothing ofthis meeting so far, but I don't trust the City Staff, They may try something else. Keep Watch.
ZiWnXc That's the best asnwer of all time! JMHO
With the bases loaded you struck us out with that aneswr!
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