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Adaugat in data de 09-05-2012 |
Bosch va construi in Romania o unitate de productie pentru tehnologia auto
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Grupul Bosch planifică construirea în Cluj-Napoca, România, a unui centru de producţie şi dezvoltare pentru unităţi electronice de comandă destinate industriei auto. Într-o primă fază a investiţiilor, cea de construcţie, care va dura până la finalul anului 2013, investiţiile planificate se ridică la valoarea de 77 de milioane de euro. Lucrările de construcţie vor fi demarate în cel de-al doilea trimestru al anului 2012, iar procesul de producţie este programat să înceapă la mijlocul anului 2013.
Noul centru va avea o suprafaţă totală de circa 38.000 m2. Până la sfârşitul anului viitor, în jur de 340 de angajaţi îşi vor desfăşura activitatea în domeniul producţiei şi cercetării din cadrul acestui centru. De-a lungul următorilor ani, locaţia urmează să fie extinsă.
Cluj-Napoca se află la circa 300 km nord-vest de Bucureşti. Din punct de vedere organizaţional, acest nou centru va face parte din divizia Automotive Electronics, care produce unităţi electronice de comandă, semiconductori şi senzori pentru industria auto şi alte domenii. Divizia are 17 unităţi de producţie la nivel mondial şi un număr de aproximativ 20.000 de angajaţi.
Până în prezent, Grupul Bosch este reprezentat în România în trei locaţii. În Bucureşti, Bosch este prezent cu o societate de distribuţie de scule electrice, sisteme de încălzire, sisteme de securitate, siguranţă şi comunicaţii, şi echipamente auto pentru piaţa de aftermarket, iar în Timişoara se află un centru de comunicare. La Blaj se află o unitate de producţie pentru tehnică liniară, care este în prezent extinsă cu o unitate de producţie destinată industriei auto. Numărul total de angajaţi ai concernului Bosch în România este de circa 1.400 de persoane.
Grupul Bosch este un lider global în furnizarea de tehnologii şi servicii. Conform rezultatelor financiare, în anul fiscal 2011, peste 300.000 de angajaţi au generat vânzări de 51,5 miliarde de euro, în domeniile construcţiei de autovehicule, tehnologiei industriale, bunurilor de larg consum şi echipamentelor pentru construcţii. Grupul Bosch cuprinde Robert Bosch GmbH şi cele peste 350 de filiale şi companii regionale din peste 60 de ţări.
Prin includerea partenerilor comerciali şi de service, Bosch este reprezentat în aproximativ 150 de ţări. Această reţea internaţională de dezvoltare, producţie şi vânzare reprezintă fundaţia creşterii continue a concernului german. Bosch a cheltuit în 2011 peste 4,2 miliarde de euro pentru cercetare şi dezvoltare şi a înregistrat peste 4.100 de patente pe plan internaţional. Prin toate produsele şi serviciile sale, Bosch sporeşte calitatea vieţii, oferind soluţii care sunt atât inovatoare, cât şi utile.
Compania a fost înfiinţată în 1886 la Stuttgart de către Robert Bosch (1861-1942), sub denumirea „Atelier de mecanică fină şi inginerie electrică”. Structura specială a proprietăţii Robert Bosch GmbH asigură libertatea antreprenorială a grupului Bosch, permiţând companiei să planifice şi să facă investiţii semnificative pentru asigurarea viitorului său. 92% din acţiunile Robert Bosch GmbH sunt deţinute de fundaţia caritabilă Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH.
Majoritatea drepturilor de vot sunt deţinute de Robert Bosch Industrietreuhand KG, un trust industrial. Funcţiile de conducere antreprenorială ale grupului sunt îndeplinite de acest trust. Restul de acţiuni sunt deţinute de familia Bosch şi de Robert Bosch GmbH..
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D0C80U Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog post.Really thank you!
I've been looking at gagare-proof radios for awhile, but user reviews on Amazon have always pointed to one or more serious flaws in various jobsite radios poor sound, poor FM reception, rapid battery drain etc. But his new Bosch model seemed to get mostly positive reviews (and it was on sale for an hour) so I took a chance.So far I'm quite pleased. The audio quality is pretty good largely thanks to the downward-firing woofer. The other speakers being pointed in all directions rather than to the front would probably be nice on a jobsite, in my gagare it means the sound has a very open quality. But anyone looking for really deafening volume won't find it here, it's loud enough for my purposes but it won't shake the building. It seems to me this radio won't pull in more distant FM stations although perhaps a better antenna would change that. However I still managed to find a dozen stations I would listen to for the presets, and at least that many I'd avoid. I haven't really tried the AM mode since I only listen to AM for traffic reports these days. Programming the presets seemed a little clumsy to me, but once it's done it's not like I'll need to mess with them very often.I was mostly interested in something that would let me listen to an iPod for commercial-free music, and this unit does that well. The iPod enclosure is a good idea, that sure beats having an MP3 player kicking around loose on top of the radio. I'm also pleased by the powered USB port inside that enclosure (I don't know what to tell the reviewer who said the USB port in his PB360 didn't work, mine powers my iPod just fine). However I've tried two iPods and neither would play music via the USB port, in both cases I got an error message that means I cannot use the front panel controls or the remote to skip tracks or whatever. The fine print does say not all players will work through the USB port, but surely the most popular brand should be the one that does work. The good news is that using the supplied cable to connect the headphone outlet of the iPod to the Aux 2 input inside the MP3 compartment works fine, it even allows you to kick up the volume by cranking up the output of the iPod. I mostly listen to an iPod in Shuffle mode, so it isn't a deal-breaker not being able to use the controls on the Bosch to run an iPod, but it it's annoying that this feature doesn't work with my brand of player.There are two other problems in the MP3 compartment. The velcro strap designed to hold an MP3 player securely is too short for larger models like the iPod Classic if you have any kind of protective case or skin on the player so you'll need to remove the case. Getting a larger player with a USB cable plugged into the bottom into the compartment is a tight fit, you need to coil up the USB cable into the USB port niche to get the door closed and with an iPod Classic there is just barely enough room. It works, but this compartment could use a bit of redesign.The remote control is a nice touch, especially as it can be clipped onto a key ring or a button-hole on a shirt pocket flap or wherever. Being able to hit Mute when a phone rings without running over to the Bosch is handy.Although Bosch is my favorite brand of power tools I don't yet own any Bosch cordless tools so I can't comment on the abilty to charge Bosch power packs. The GFCi outlets are a great idea provided you don't try to run anything too beefy from them.Overall I'm happy with this unit even though the inability to control an iPod with the PB360D's controls is a disappointment. But it sounds good and it sure looks cool, I guess I'll be spending more time in the gagare.
tellgil Hummmm....I don't see a suspension stesym anywhere. Ya..I would say the price should come down. Like to a few hundred dollars. No one wants to buy a bike that is uncomfortable. I don't see where the money went. Maybe in the infinite transmission and carbon drive-belt. However why? So you can spend your riding time shifting through the gears? As far as looks goes...That has to be left to the person looking at it. I think if Apple were to build a bike. It would look somewhere close to this. Except the pedometer would be an ipod an function as a pedometer also. March 22 2011 at 4:25 AM rate up rate down
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