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Adaugat in data de 14-03-2015

Crestere de 20% a afacerilor Wim Bosman Romania in 2014

Crestere de 20% a afacerilor Wim Bosman Romania in 2014

Compania de logistica si transporturi Wim Bosman Romania, parte a grupului neozeelandez Mainfreight, a incheiat anul 2014 cu afaceri de 58,8 milioane lei, in crestere cu 20% fata de 2013, cand compania a inregistrat afaceri in valoare de 48,9 milioane lei si un profit de 1,1 milioane lei la acelasi nivel cu cel obtinut in 2013.

Wim Bosman confirma si in 2014 trendul de crestere a afacerii, rezultatele pozitive obtinute anul trecut datorandu-se in primul rand serviciilor logistice integrate 3PL+  de depozitare, transport si distributie, dar si investitiilor de peste 500.000 de euro directionate in spatii de depozitare, mijloace de transport si utilaje de manipulare.

2014 a fost anul fidelizarii clientilor din portofoliu prin adaptarea si oferirea unor solutii logistice integrate care au condus la preluarea unora dintre procesele interne ale clientilor in vederea eficientizarii activitatilor operationale, dar si a reducerii de costuri interne ale acestora din urma. Astfel, compania a numarat in 2014 peste 500 de clienti activi, majoritatea provenind din retail electronice – electrocasnice, FMCG, automotive si oil & gas.

Pentru 2015 Wim Bosman Romania a bugetat investitii de 500.000 de euro la care se adauga posibilitatea suplimentarii planului investitional pana la o valoare finala de 1,2 milioane euro. Investitiile vor fi concentrate in dezvoltarea si adaptarea serviciilor existente, in suplimentarea capacitatii de depozitare, precum si in cresterea flotei.

Printre obiectivele companiei in anul curent se numara o noua crestere a afacerilor de pana la 12%, precum si crestere din punct de vedere a volumelor, crestere sustinuta de investitiile realizate si de identificarea si finalizarea de noi proiecte.

„ Cresterea din 2014 se datoreaza in primul rand eforturilor sustinute si muncii depuse de intreaga echipa Wim Bosman Romania, de la personalul din teren, pana la colegii de la birouri si din functiile de management. De asemenea, apartenenta la grupul international de logistica Mainfreight ne-a oferit suportul necesar pentru a oferi servicii integrate de logistica, adaptate nevoilor fiecarui client in parte, oriunde in lume si pe toate canalele de transport. Asteptam de la 2015 o stabilizare a mediului economic care sa ne mentina intr-un ritm de crestere constanta. Suntem increzatori ca acest lucru este posibil si ca 2015 va aduce mai multa predictibilitate pentru a putea dezvolta proiecte noi si proiectii realiste ” a declarat Emil Ion, managing director al Wim Bosman Romania
Companie cu actionariat romano-olandez, Wim Bosman Romania este unul dintre cei mai importanti jucatori de pe piata locala de transport si logistica. Sustinuta de o puternica retea de distributie, Wim Bosman ofera solutii integrate de depozitare, transport si distributie, specifice fiecarui client in parte.

Compania face parte din grupul olandez Wim Bosman, companie cu prezenta internationala, activa cu 23 de divizii in noua tari si o cifra de afaceri anuala de peste 250 milioane euro. Incepand cu 2011, Wim Bosman a devenit subsidiara din Europa a Mainfreight, grup logistic neozeelandez prezent in Oceania, Asia, USA si Europa prin 221 filiale, peste 5.200 de angajati si o cifra de afaceri anuala de 950 milioane euro.


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With the transfer of srhaes and implementation of a Saba Electric Company, now is the time for the local government to aggressively pursue alternatives to foreign petro-enegy, particularly the geothermal option. Together with a cooperative grid connecting to St. Maartin/St. Martin and Statia, and eventually St. Bart\'s, Anguilla and St. Kitts/Nevis, a project like this would not only ensure a sustainable energy future for Saba, but would also significantly contribute to long-term fiscal security. Though modern innovations have increased efficiency, use of geothermal energy has been around for over 2000 years and the base technology behind geothermal electricity is tried and tested steam turbine generation that has been around more than a hundred years. Saba\'s shallow geothermal resource is a unique opportunity that must not be overlooked.I strongly support wind and solar, we installed a solar power system on the house we left on St. Croix sufficient to produce all the electric needs of the home, the south-east location and good southern exposure were perfect. Saba has less consistent sun exposure. Saba has a considerable wind resource, but wind power requires long-term maintenance of mechanical parts, and is more susceptible to tropical storm damage and high humidity. Geothermal is the logical choice here for base-load power, with supplemental wind and solar possibilities, and perhaps incentives for individual consumers installing wind and/or solar. Eliminating the ever-increasing fuel clause will not only lower bills for fixed income pensioners, residents and existing businesses, it will lower government operating costs and stimulate new business, increasing the tax base. Combined with a grid connecting neighboring islands, Saba could further reduce its electric costs, and help those islands to reduce theirs, by selling excess power. We also need to thoroughly investigate the international carbon credit market. Selling carbon credits from the emission reductions realized by a geothermal plant on Saba could further ensure the island\'s future fiscal stability.
With the transfer of shraes and implementation of a Saba Electric Company, now is the time for the local government to aggressively pursue alternatives to foreign petro-enegy, particularly the geothermal option. Together with a cooperative grid connecting to St. Maartin/St. Martin and Statia, and eventually St. Bart\'s, Anguilla and St. Kitts/Nevis, a project like this would not only ensure a sustainable energy future for Saba, but would also significantly contribute to long-term fiscal security. Though modern innovations have increased efficiency, use of geothermal energy has been around for over 2000 years and the base technology behind geothermal electricity is tried and tested steam turbine generation that has been around more than a hundred years. Saba\'s shallow geothermal resource is a unique opportunity that must not be overlooked.I strongly support wind and solar, we installed a solar power system on the house we left on St. Croix sufficient to produce all the electric needs of the home, the south-east location and good southern exposure were perfect. Saba has less consistent sun exposure. Saba has a considerable wind resource, but wind power requires long-term maintenance of mechanical parts, and is more susceptible to tropical storm damage and high humidity. Geothermal is the logical choice here for base-load power, with supplemental wind and solar possibilities, and perhaps incentives for individual consumers installing wind and/or solar. Eliminating the ever-increasing fuel clause will not only lower bills for fixed income pensioners, residents and existing businesses, it will lower government operating costs and stimulate new business, increasing the tax base. Combined with a grid connecting neighboring islands, Saba could further reduce its electric costs, and help those islands to reduce theirs, by selling excess power. We also need to thoroughly investigate the international carbon credit market. Selling carbon credits from the emission reductions realized by a geothermal plant on Saba could further ensure the island\'s future fiscal stability.
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