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Adaugat in data de 17-03-2012

Noul Lotus Exige S - prezentat oficial in Romania

Noul Lotus Exige S - prezentat oficial in Romania A fost lansat oficial în România automobilul Lotus Exige S, cel mai recent model produs la Hethel, în Marea Britanie de către Lotus Cars. Evenimentul a avut loc la showroom-ul Lotus de lângă Aeroportul Otopeni, în prezenta Lord Green of Hurstpierpoint, Ministrul britanic pentru Comert si Investitii, a Excelentei Sale Martin Harris, Ambasadorul britanic la Bucuresti si a domnului Ion Bazac, presedintele Forza Rossa, reprezentantul oficial Lotus Cars în România.

Numerosi jurnalisti au apreciat momentul în care Lord Green a dezvelit masina sportivă britanică, recunoscută ca un simbol al performantei si agilitătii, atribute specifice Lotus.

Cu o putere a motorului de 350 cai, raportat la o greutate de doar 1 167 kg, Exige S este cel mai performant supercar produs de Lotus. Elemente aerodinamice ale caroseriei (precum spoilerul, extractorul sau aripa spate) sunt concepute special pentru a garanta sportivitate, performantă maximă precum si o linie autentică.

Pachetul Race, parte din DPM (Dynamic Performance Management) include un sistem de plecare de pe loc programată si un reglaj optimizat al suspensiilor. Acestea transformă modelul într-un bolid de curse perfect adaptat unui drum spectaculos de munte sau unui circuit de viteză.

Pe scurt: Motor V6 amplasat central spate, supraalimentat, 3,5 litri, 350 CP; cutie de viteze manuală, 6 trepte, cu rapoarte scurte; greutate: 1,176 kg; raport Greutate/Putere: 3,3; performante: 0 la100km/h: 4,0 sec; viteză maximă: 274 km/h.

Lotus Exige S poate fi achizitionat de la Forza Rossa, reprezentantul oficial Lotus Cars în România, Republica Moldova, Serbia si Montenegro.

Din 2012, Lotus concurează în campionatul mondial de Formula 1 cu propria echipă, având piloti pe fostul campion mondial Kimi Raikkonen si pe campionul en-titre în seria GP2, Romain Grosjean..

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Jag har tagit emot en le4nk med .zip bilder. Hur gf6r jag ff6r att un zip berdilna se5 att jag kan anve4nda dem? // Bosse
Password: Your gmail passworde. Protocol: IMAP Onlinef. SSL: Enabledg. Only from Location(s): leave only the * (first) field cheekcdProtocol Configuration tab:a. Sent folder name: [Gmail]/Sent Mailb. Drafts folder name: [Gmail]/DraftsAdvanced Tab: This is the most important tab.a. Port Number: 993b. Accept SSL site certificates: Yesc. Accept expired SSL certificates: Yes.d. Send SSL certificates when asked (outbound connections only): No.e. Verify account server name with remote server's certificate: Disabledf. SSL protocol version: V3.0 with V2.0 handshakeClick on Save and Close to save the document and exit.Now you will need to create another account document to handle the outgoing email.2. Creating account document for Outgoing Gmail:Click Open  Contacts  Advanced  Accounts  New AccountThe Basics Taba. Account Name: Can be anything. I chose ”Out Gmail”b. Account server name: Login Name: Your gmail email address (complete with the Password: Your gmail passworde. Protocol: SMTPf. SSL: Enabledg. Only from Location(s): leave only the * (first) field cheekcdAdvanced Tab: This is the most important tab.a. Port Number: 465 or 587 (Both are SSL ports and both work)b. Accept SSL site certificates: Yesc. Accept expired SSL certificates: Yes.d. Send SSL certificates when asked (outbound connections only): No.e. Verify account server name with remote server's certificate: Disabledf. SSL protocol version: V3.0 with V2.0 handshake3. Once these two accounts are created, create a location document. Thesteps to create are:Click Open  Contacts  Advanced  Locations  New LocationBasics Tab:a. Location Type: Local Area Networkb. Location Name: Can be anything (I chose ”Gmail”)c. Internet Mail Address: Your complete gmail email addressLeave the rest as it is.Servers Tab:Home/Mail server: the rest as it is.Ports tab: No changes (ensure TCPIP is cheekcd)Mail Tab (Most important):a. Mail file location: Localb. Mail file: InGmail.nsf – in this case (if you specified a different account name than the one I provided here for the incoming mail account, enter the file name of your proxy database file).Regarding the Mail file name, Lotus Notes help states that ”If this is a separate location for your Internet IMAP Online mail, enter the file name of your IMAP proxy application.”To find the name of your proxy database (application), go to Accounts and try to delete the incoming mail account you just created. A popup window will appear notifying you that this action will also delete the corresponding proxy database, e.g. xxxx.nsf. Note the name of the proxy database file, and click on cancel).c. Internet domain for Notes addresses when connecting directly to the Internet: gmail.comd. Send Outgoing mail: directly to Internete. Transfer outgoing mail if [1] messages pendingLeave the rest of the fields as it is.6. There is no need to change the rest of tabs. Click on Save and Close to create the document.Change to the the new location (Open  Applications  Workspace  double click the name of the incoming mail account newly created) and you will see your Gmail emails getting downloaded.7. You can create a folder named [Gmail]/All Mail folder in the left folders pannel, to sync the new Lotus account with your All Mail label in Gmail.8. Also, sometimes some messages appear as white text on a white ground or black text on a black ground. To fix this, go into File  Preferences  Basic Notes Client Configuration and put a check mark next to Disable embedded browser for MIME mail . You don't have to close the client, just save the change and re-open the message.
Hi Sjaak. Sorry, but you seem that you didn't understand my alrcite. Giving Lotus Notes for free (not open source) in a limited way (with non-domino mail) can help the platform, without IBM risking any part of the business.If free (no charge) software is a thing that does not make sense? why Lotus Symphony, eclipse, Lotus Designer (just to mention IBM) are available for use free of charge? (of course without any support). There are things that can be strategical to release free of charge to gain more adoption of the platform. I'm not mentiontioning that everything in life should be free of charge. Just a limited version of Lotus Notes, like the one that comes in the free of charge Lotus Designer, but without the license limitation that it has right now.
Marie,I have thought about this too for the last 6 nhtmos. After having so many IMAP issues we created one mail server that supports IMAP. After moving most of the normal IMAP users (Outlook, Thunderbird and MacMail) we started getting a lot of requests for Notes Client and iNotes users to be moved to the IMAP servers. The reason they had a personal BlackBerrys and it uses IMAP, these users didn't want to pay the additional monthly BES access charge.American University loves Lotus Traveler and can't wait for official Android support. Adding support for personal BlackBerrys would be the icing on the case.IBM please think about adding this to your supported devices!!!Joni Snyder
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