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Adaugat in data de 08-02-2012 |
Oficialii Hyundai au preluat premiul AUTOBEST 2012, obtinut cu modelul Hyundai Elantra
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Sedanul compact Hyundai Elantra a fost desemnat oficial castigatorul AUTOBEST 2012, intr-o ceremonie recenta ce a avut loc la Praga, Cehia.
Nu mai putin de 10 din cei 15 membri ai juriului AUTOBEST au votat castigatorul - Elantra, care a acumulat 839 de puncte. Ford Focus a obtinut locul al doilea cu un scor final de 758 de puncte, iar Chevrolet Aveo a incheiat competitia pe locul al treilea cu 744 de puncte. Este pentru prima data cand un model Hyundai castiga cea mai inalta distinctie AUTOBEST.
Iulia Seliktar, Presedinte AUTOBEST a declarat: “Noul Elantra este o expresie formidabila a strategiei Hyundai «New Thinking. New Posibilities». Se conduce extraordinar, arata bine, are un interior de calitate, iar habitaclul si portbagajul sunt impresionante. Este pur si simplu cel mai bun automobil din Europa, la ora actuala.“
Allan Rushforth, Senior Vice President si COO la Hyundai Motor Europe, a mentionat: “Suntem mandri ca am castigat premiul AUTOBEST 2012 cu noul Elantra. Procesul riguros de evaluare al juriului este unul dintre cele mai exigente din lume, prin urmare clientii pot fi asigurati de competitivitatea Hyundai in mai multe arii de expertiza, de la calitatea produsului si pana la reteaua proprie de distributie.”
AUTOBEST este organizatia de automobilism prezenta in 15 piete emergente din Europa Centrala si de Est. Premiile anuale, ajunse la a unsprezecea editie, se concentreaza asupra celui mai bun automobil pentru clientii europeni, incluzand tari precum Polonia, Cehia, Ungaria, Romania, Turcia sau Rusia.
Noul model Elantra continua lunga traditie Hyundai de a oferi calitate, stil si valoare in clasa compacta.
Pachetul Hyundai “5 YEAR TRIPLE CARE” reprezinta un serviciu gratuit la nivel european pentru modelul Elantra. Garantia de 5 ani fara limita de kilometri, cei 5 ani de asistenta rutiera si cei 5 ani de verificari tehnice periodice reprezinta un atu in piata al noilor modele Hyundai.
Hyundai Auto Romania, parte a Grupului Tiriac, este reprezentantul marcii Hyundai in Romania din anul 1994 si aduce pe piata nationala 12 modele Hyundai, atat din gama autoturismelor, cat si din cea a autovehiculelor comerciale usoare. Fondata in 1967, Hyundai Motor Co. s-a transformat in Hyundai-Kia Automotive Group, care este cotat drept al cincilea producator auto la nivel mondial incepand din anul 2007..
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[LaLa] Lauren: To be honest, I think the whole "all [nationality] cars are [adjective] and [do snoethimg]" thing is a textbook example of prejudice... it's just one that is rarely thwarted because it's not about people, so it's not immoral, and it's easy to pretend your car failing was an isolated incident and then find some story on the internet of a certain kind of car exploding and latch onto it as 'proof' that all of those cars must be horrible.Thus, you prefer Honda/Toyota/Mazda, get and love them, look the other way when they throw check engine lights or starts eating wheel bearings... and I imagine never even bother to test drive a Ford/GM/Chrysler because well, you've convinced yourself they're crap. Granted, it's not a bad thing you do this... everyone does, you get one horrible car you want to spurn that manufacturer forever and there are enough makes out there to last a lifetime... but it is a prejuduce.I see a whole lot of Tauruses/Sables, Luminas/Centurys/Aleros, Breezes/Skys/Cirruses still going after 20 years... and I've seen a lot of Camrys, Accords, and 626s start shitting parts at 54,000 miles and become totally undriveable after 7 years. I've seen those roles reversed too. In both cases it had to do with the owner and how much they pampered their car and kept on top of the "this is starting to wear out, you should replace it before it lets go and starts messing other things up" stuff. Meanwhile, so many companies are blurred now a days. The Toyota Matrix and the Pontiac Vibe are the same car with different body panels, both assembled in the NUMMI plant in California (well, until Pontiac got the axe when GM went bankrupt). The Mazdas you've expressed affection for are mostly based on international Ford platforms (as are Volvos) since Ford owned a controlling interest in Mazda for a decade or two. Also, all the bits inside the cars that are not engines and body panels are usually manufactured by suppliers. The window/windsheild/blower moters probably came from Bosche or AC Delco. Meanwhile, specialty transmissions might be coming courtesy of Aisin or Getrag... And a bad batch of tires can make a whole line of SUV's look like death traps (Firestones on Explorers). Thus, the idea that All Domestics are crap is a silly one, the only reason I've found that Domestics are looked-down upon is that they tend to be cheaper, and therefore they are deemed as lower quality as opposed to just having plastic in the spots where the imports have leather or wood-veneer.To answer your original question: There's a "too accurate to be funny" quote: "An 'import' car manufacturer is a company that is headquartered outside the USA, which assembles it's cars in the USA. A 'domestic' car manufacturer is a company that is headquartered in the USA, which assembles it's cars in Canada/Mexico..."Otherwise, the main manufacture of the main car bits (engine, structural members, body panels) still tends to occur in the home countries. If you look at your door panel it will probably say assembled in US with 80%+ parts content being outside the US (I'm assuming you're driving an import ;) )Arthur: I admitted they were nit picks. And the biggest nit pick and the thing I agree with the Republicans on is "why, again, should _I_ have to pay for people to trade in their old SUV's? I've never owned a vehicle that weighed more than 3000 lbs or made less than an average of 27 MPG.... So I don't get squat for owning friendlier vehicles and yet I get to pay for other peoples mistakes." Granted, I'm basing this nit-pick on the premise that the extra $2B is going to be coming from my income tax and not gas taxes or an increased gas/registration fee for vehicles over a certain weight and under a certain mileage. But the last thing Obama or Congress wants to do is increase taxes on energy or goods in "Tough Economic Times".
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