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Adaugat in data de 14-02-2012 |
Valentine`s Day la Ferrari Store Bucuresti - 50% discount
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Ferrari Store Bucuresti, magazinul tematic al brand-ului auto italian, pregăteste mai multe surprize cu ocazia Valentine’s Day, marti, 14 februarie 2012.
Oaspetii magazinului vor fi serviti cu sampanie pentru a marca acest moment important din viata noastră, Valentine’s Day. In plus, ei vor beneficia de o reducere de 50% la toate produsele achizitionate pentru cei dragi, indiferent că este vorba de colectia pentru EL, pentru EA sau pentru copii. Acest lucru va oferi posibilitatea tuturor să dăruiască un cadou oficial Ferrari frumos si original.
De asemenea, Restaurantul Forza Rossa Caffe este locul ideal pentru o cină romantică sau un meniu gastronomic special pentru a sărbători acest eveniment, spun oficialii companiei.
În Bucuresti, produsele oficiale Ferrari pot fi achizitionate din magazinul Ferrari Store, de pe Calea Victoriei nr. 1-5 sau de pe internet, pe site-ul oficial www.ferraristore.ro..
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Each Mercedes model has its own style and performance speicfics. The diesels offered improved fuel economy, reliability and longevity, which the gas models offer better performance, handling and creature comforts. C Class Mercedes with a shorter wheelbase offer a more nimble and responsive ride, while the S Class models with larger engines provided more power, luxury and stability (you do not feel or hear the road). Two door models whether convertibles or coupes have their own handling characteristics. You owe it to yourself to experience as many different versions as possible before making that purchase. Obviously, some models / classes can be dismissed if basic transportion is your goal. Families will not find functionality with owning a coupe or convertible. If you are considering purchasing a Mercedes, contact us as we can provide some general guidance. We also sell pre-owned Mercedes or can assist with finding you the Mercedes of your dreams.
top seo guys
vjjRM3 Great post. Much obliged.
top seo guys
tkjUDg Very neat article post. Much obliged.
wow ok wtf this isnt even his car!! he has a rangerover i hlgihy doubt tht his mom would let him get tht. and i hvnt seen him drive tht before. ok here is a word to JUSTIN BIEBER im not like a crazed fan or anythin i think ur just a normal lucky kid thts got straight up talent, but im not crazed over u i play hockey and i think ur cute too but again im not like 1 of those crazy fans! ur pretty cute justin and maybe someday u could try dating one of ur NORMAL fans (mee) i listen to some of ur music and thts bout it lol
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