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Adaugat in data de 19-06-2013

LLP Romania sprijina cel mai amplu program de practica din cadrul ASE Bucuresti

LLP Romania sprijina cel mai amplu program de practica din cadrul ASE Bucuresti

LLP Romania, filială a LLP Group, anunță colaborarea cu cea mai prestigioasă instituție de învățământ superior economic autohtonă, pentru derularea unuia dintre cele mai ample programe de practică pentru studenții din România.

Comunitatea de practică este un proiect POSDRU dezvoltat de Facultatea de Marketing din cadrul Academiei de Studii Economice din București. Obiectivul general al proiectului constă în creşterea gradului de integrare a studenţilor de la specializarea marketing pe piata forţei de muncă, în concordanţă cu calificările şi competenţele dobândite în urma studiilor de licenţa şi/sau masterat.

“Compania LLP Romania a fost foarte mulțumită de această colaborare, ca atare am decis să permanentizăm şi să oficializăm relația cu Facultatea de Marketing din cadrul ASE Bucureşti, prin încheierea unui contract de parteneriat. În cadrul acestui program de parteneriat vom colabora anual cu studenții din anii terminali - licența sau master”,  a declarat Ioana Rențea, Infor Services Manager la LLP Group 

“De la lansarea proiectului <<Comunitatea de Practică>> relația noastră cu ASE s-a extins. În acest sens, am derulat un proiect cu Facultatea de Contabilitate și Informatică de Gestiune. În cadrul acestui program, specialiștii LLP Group au susţinut o serie de prezentări şi seminarii pentru studenţii acestei facultăți. Aceste sesiuni s-au dovedit utile pentru studenţi, specialiştii LLP Group urmărind să completeze aptitudinile teoretice dobândite de studenţi prin exemple de bună practică și prin utilizarea soluțiilor informatice Infor de către studenți”, a continuat Ioana Rențea.


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Yes, a very good piece indeed. The photo is not neeasscrily representative of today's 70-year-old (I know because I'm over 70 myself), but her facial expres...
Thank you guys for your effort this is great news for LGBT counmmity all my best wishes WE AR GONNA WIN. My partner is a US citizen and we've been living together for 5 years and we'll be the rest of our lives cause we love each other with all our hearts, unfortunatelly I'm not a citizen and we cant move forward in our lives we are stuck with our plans of adopting kids and having our family dream, I try to be invisible to everyone in order to not have any problem with immigration but that makes me feel depressed and anxious sometimes i just dont want to stand up from bed but the only thing that keeps me feeling with hope is the love i feel from my partner. Although it is easay for me to go back and forward to my counry beacuse we live in the border with Mexico, I got a great job in Mexico and was looking forward to bring him over but all the violence in my country polarized all our dreams. IT IS TIME TO STOP ALL THIS DISCRIMATION.
Thank you guys for your effort this is great news for LGBT counmmity all my best wishes WE AR GONNA WIN. My partner is a US citizen and we've been living together for 5 years and we'll be the rest of our lives cause we love each other with all our hearts, unfortunatelly I'm not a citizen and we cant move forward in our lives we are stuck with our plans of adopting kids and having our family dream, I try to be invisible to everyone in order to not have any problem with immigration but that makes me feel depressed and anxious sometimes i just dont want to stand up from bed but the only thing that keeps me feeling with hope is the love i feel from my partner. Although it is easay for me to go back and forward to my counry beacuse we live in the border with Mexico, I got a great job in Mexico and was looking forward to bring him over but all the violence in my country polarized all our dreams. IT IS TIME TO STOP ALL THIS DISCRIMATION.
Thank you guys for your effort this is great news for LGBT counmmity all my best wishes WE AR GONNA WIN. My partner is a US citizen and we've been living together for 5 years and we'll be the rest of our lives cause we love each other with all our hearts, unfortunatelly I'm not a citizen and we cant move forward in our lives we are stuck with our plans of adopting kids and having our family dream, I try to be invisible to everyone in order to not have any problem with immigration but that makes me feel depressed and anxious sometimes i just dont want to stand up from bed but the only thing that keeps me feeling with hope is the love i feel from my partner. Although it is easay for me to go back and forward to my counry beacuse we live in the border with Mexico, I got a great job in Mexico and was looking forward to bring him over but all the violence in my country polarized all our dreams. IT IS TIME TO STOP ALL THIS DISCRIMATION.
I send you my kind regards from Uganda and take the oputropnity to communicate with everyone out there.if you can help me or if you know any one who can help me pursue and complete my LLB.Please help me get sponsorship to complete my LLB, i have a passion for law. my dream is to become a lawyer and help provide services for the oppressed in my community by providing legal advise. the problem is that i enrolled for law school in 2010 at Uganda Christian University but did not go to school in 2011-2012 due to lack of tuition fees. i will be very glad if your chambers can help a needy student like myself. please help me make my dream a reality. thank very much. i can verify that am not a fraud but a true student of Uganda Christian University. i need about 7000 US dollars to finish school.God bless you as you bless me. Nelson Musana Munene.for more information you can contact me by this email or telephone numbers listed below. Thank you for allowing me to take your time.
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