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Adaugat in data de 14-07-2007

General Motors Romania - promovare prin jocul online Transformers

General Motors Romania - promovare prin jocul online Transformers

Compania General Motors Romania va pune la dispozitia fanilor filmului Transformers un joc online, pentru ca acestia sa poata continua aventurile eroilor filmului, informeaza GM Romania, citata de Rompres si ziarul financiar electronic

"Transformers", produs de Paramount Pictures si DreamWorks Pictures, a avut premiera in România la sfârsitul saptamânii trecute, pe ecranele cinematografelor autohtone debutând patru noi "stele" de cinema - Bumblebee, Autobot Jazz, Autobot Ratchet si Ironhide.

Bumblebee, unul dintre personajele principale ale povestii cu extraterestri care imbraca forme mecanice pe Terra, se transforma din clasicul Chevrolet Camaro model 1977. Autobot Jazz se transforma dintr-un Pontiac Solstice intr-un model hardtop, un Hummer H2, modificat ca autovehicul de interventii, devine Autobot Ratchet, iar Ironhide isi trage forma dintr-o camioneta GMC.

"Având ca platforma de comunicare campania Transformers, General Motors România se bucura ca se poate adresa clientilor sai intr-un mod aparte, prezentându-si gama de produse prin intermediul unor personaje speciale. Actiunea filmului pune in evidenta calitatile tehnice ale masinilor GM si sentimentul pe care posesorii lor il pot trai conducându-le", a declarat directorul de marketing si PR al GM România, Cristian Oltean.

Chevrolet Europa va desfasura o campanie de marketing si promovare integrata vizând premiera filmului. La actiunile din Europa vor lua parte sapte modele Chevrolet Camaro, copii ale personajului Bumblebee, care vor fi expuse in saloane auto si reprezentante, luând parte la numeroase activitati promotionale pe tot parcursul anului. Una din cele sapte replici Chevrolet Camaro ale personajului din film Bumblebee poate fi admirata la Mall Vitan din Bucuresti.

Wayne Brannon, director executiv Chevrolet Europa, a precizat ca noul Chevrolet Camaro va fi lansat in Europa imediat dupa lansarea din America de Nord, care este programata pentru 2009. In prima saptamâna de la lansare, incasarile filmului "Transformers" au atins 252,5 milioane de dolari.


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Review by Ryan Crout for Rating: Wow, there are a lot of whiners who hate this thing Why does it so often seem like I'm one of the only pelpoe who appreciates a thoughtful and somewhat challenging transformation?I'd take that over say the shellformers or the kibble laden Big Convoy from beast wars neo? (seriously, it was like two pathetic toys in one!)I dunno, i really like this transformer, either as a collectors' item (hey, he looks pretty cool in the package) or as a toy (hey, he runs, guns, and transforms rather smoothly)I will grant you that there are a WHOLE lot of little panels and pieces to this guy, which is probably due to how awesome he looks as a robot (and how screen accurate)On the plus side, there is a lot of automorph to this guy, rotating his chest (the car hood) up rotates his arms and his windshield (its on his back) and sliding his feet up into position automaticly positions his rear fender and back window.I will also grant you that perhaps some of him is rather flimsy (his back window splits in two for goodness sakes) and some of the pieces can be tricky to fit in (doors?)Still, i think his camaro looks fantastic, and that his transformation, while difficult at first, is relatively easy since its basicly as follows:slide foot flush with shin (repeat on other foot)slide up hood over headplace hands behing his back (like he's been arrested for speeding) and snap the roof halves into placeslide in the doors and lockOH and snap his feet togethertheredonethat was easy (easy button anyone?)in fact the only real difficulty I've had with this guy is getting his doors to line up, but to be honest? transforming him back and forth is easy once you know how to do it, and if u know where everything goes on a car (you drivers should really) its pretty intuitiveTo finish, he's an outstanding mold and a fantastic camaro (camero? I can never remember how to spell it ) His tranformation can be a little tricky at first, but you really should be able to get the hang of it after two or three transformationsno longer is it simply break apart all the kibble to reveal the robot inside which I think is why everyone seems to be griping(side note, when even my five year old brother can figure it out with the instructions, you know its not that hard )all in all worth the ten bucks or so you'll spend on it at target or toys R us or wherever
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