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Adaugat in data de 18-06-2013

Activitati de eco turism pentru tineri sub egida Asociatiei Drumetii Montane

Activitati de eco turism pentru tineri sub egida Asociatiei Drumetii Montane

Cei peste 68 de tineri inscrisi in cadrul proiectului Jnepenii, care se desfasoara sub egida Asociatiei Drumetii Montane, au participat in perioada 14-16 iunie 2013 la activitati de drumetie, escalada si teste teoretice cu intrebari grila din ecoturismul romanesc. Majoritatea tinerilor participanti sunt elevi ai Scolii Generale Nr. 1 din Motru. Acestia au fost impartiti in echipe formate din trei persoane si au putut experimenta unul dintre concursurile desfasurate in cadrul Campionatului National al Stafetei Muntilor.

Rezultatul tinerilor a fost unul exceptional, tinand cont de faptul ca multi dintre acestia au participat pentru prima data la astfel de activitati.
Rezultatele obtinute de tinerii nostri sunt urmatoarele:

Pentru categoria JUNIORI, la proba  testelor au obtinut locurile: 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19; orientare turistica locul 3 si escalada locurile 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, unde cea mai buna echipa a urcat 9m.

Pentru categoria OPEN, la proba testelor teoretice au obtinut locul 1; orientare turistica locul 4 si escalada locul 4.

Pentru categoria OPEN, la proba testelor teoretice au obtinut locurile 3 si 8; orientare turistica locul 2 si escalada locul 5.

In urma adunarii tuturor punctelor, JNEPENII se afla pe locul 3 in clasamentul general al etapei a II-a, din cadrul Campionatului National al Stafetei Muntilor.

"Daca doresti sa participi la activitati de ecoturism, te asteptam in perioada 2 - 4 august 2013 la Festivalul Sporturilor Montane “Parangul Mare”-  ce se va desfasura in acest an la Groapa Seaca in judetul Hunedoara, pentru mai multe informatii puteti vizita", spun organizatorii.

Toate activitatile sunt realizate astfel incat orice persoana sa poata participa.

"Tot cu ocazia Festivalului Sporturilor Montane “Parangul Mare” lansam doua concursuri ce se desfasoara online. Afla mai multe despre aceste concursuri accesand pagina festivalului nostru", spun organizatorii.

Atat castigatorii cat si participantii Festivalului Sporturilor Montane “Parangul Mare” vor fi recompensati cu premii consistente, oferite de catre sustinatorii nostri: CH-Center Hosting, Biroul de Avocatura Cuculis si Asociatii, Green Smoke, Belkin International, OSF Global Services, Consiliul Judetean Gorj, Craimont, Doppelherz, IBU Publishing, Just t, O&R Bacau, MinorSwing, Mozartinno, Euro Park, Casa Bobo Baia de Fier, Vector Di Sign SRL, Libraria online Libris.


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August 4, 2012When people ask me what my foavrtie restaurant in the Vail Valley is, I have to say I don’t have one. It’s because there are so many. But when I tell them where I have had my best meal, I have to say Larkspur Restaurant in the Gold Peak area of Vail. I had wanted to try Larkspur, but I knew it was a special occasion type of place so we went on my birthday in February.We like to eat out, but we enjoy going to many different types of places. From the fast food to the Mom and Pop place to the 5* but I judge them on the same criteria; Atmosphere, Service and Food. Larkspur had it all the evening we went. It has a warm contemporary atmosphere with New American Cuisine. Now I have to tell you that we arrived half an hour late because of an accident on the highway, so we were aware that we should not linger to long. The servers were attentive but we never felt rushed, the food was beautifully presented, delicious and hot. (I love hot food). All 4 of us enjoyed everything we ordered.This restaurant is a little pricey but for a special occasion I would highly recommend it. Remember this is ski country so everything is casual, no suit and tie required here!There is Valet Parking, but we decided to walk from the main Vail parking lot because it was a beautiful evening. Park at the far-east side of the parking lot, where there is a door and a shorter walk to Golden Peak.
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August 4, 2012When people ask me what my foarvtie restaurant in the Vail Valley is, I have to say I don’t have one. It’s because there are so many. But when I tell them where I have had my best meal, I have to say Larkspur Restaurant in the Gold Peak area of Vail. I had wanted to try Larkspur, but I knew it was a special occasion type of place so we went on my birthday in February.We like to eat out, but we enjoy going to many different types of places. From the fast food to the Mom and Pop place to the 5* but I judge them on the same criteria; Atmosphere, Service and Food. Larkspur had it all the evening we went. It has a warm contemporary atmosphere with New American Cuisine. Now I have to tell you that we arrived half an hour late because of an accident on the highway, so we were aware that we should not linger to long. The servers were attentive but we never felt rushed, the food was beautifully presented, delicious and hot. (I love hot food). All 4 of us enjoyed everything we ordered.This restaurant is a little pricey but for a special occasion I would highly recommend it. Remember this is ski country so everything is casual, no suit and tie required here!There is Valet Parking, but we decided to walk from the main Vail parking lot because it was a beautiful evening. Park at the far-east side of the parking lot, where there is a door and a shorter walk to Golden Peak.
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