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Adaugat in data de 24-01-2012 - primul forum din Romania dedicat asigurarilor de viata - primul forum din Romania dedicat asigurarilor de viata
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Orice informaţie privind asigurările de viaţă este la dispoziţia celor interesaţi şi vine direct de la Preşedintele Comitetului Executiv LIMRA (Life Insurance Marketing and Research Association) în România, Theodor Alexandrescu. Acesta răspunde întrebărilor venite de la publicul larg prin intermediul unui forum găzduit de portalul

„Românii au demonstrat că înţeleg importanţa protecţiei financiare, mai ales în vremuri instabile din punct de vedere economic. Interesul lor pentru asigurările de viaţă a devenit mai specific, populaţia adresează întrebări concrete, iar nevoia de informare este din ce în ce mai mare. Din dorinţa de a veni în întâmpinarea acestei nevoi, am deschis forumul de pe, un canal de comunicare accesibil oricui, prin intermediul căruia vom oferi informaţii complete şi corecte tuturor celor interesaţi de asigurările de viaţă”, a declarat Theodor Alexandrescu.

„Prin intermediul acestui forum, ne propunem să creştem gradul de cunoaştere a informaţiilor cu privire la produsele şi serviciile de asigurare de viaţă, astfel încât românii să poată lua decizii în cunoştinţă de cauză”, a adăugat Theodor Alexandrescu.

Lansarea acestui forum reprezintă un element esenţial prin care portalul se apropie şi mai mult de obiectivul său, acela de a aduce asigurările de viaţă mai aproape de publicul larg.
Portalul oferă, într-un limbaj accesibil, toate informaţiile de care poate avea nevoie un client interesat de o astfel de poliţă.

Aşadar, deschizând un nou topic pe forum sau urmărind discuţiile, puteţi afla ce sunt asigurările de viaţă cu beneficii garantate, care sunt avantajele unei asigurări voluntare de sănătate, care este protecţia de bază pe care o oferă o asigurare în caz de accident, când este potrivit să achiziţionaţi o poliţă unit-linked, una pentru copil sau de tip rentă, pentru mai târziu, când vă retrageţi din activitate. De asemenea, puteţi obţine lămuriri cu privire la orice neclaritate pe care o întâmpinaţi analizând un produs de asigurare de viaţă, direct de la reprezentantul LIMRA. Scopul acestui proiect îl reprezintă creşterea gradului de înţelegere şi de conştientizare a utilităţii acestor produse de protecţie financiară.

LIMRA oferă o gamă variată de servicii şi tipuri de cercetare pentru membrii săi, de la informaţii despre performanţa industriei, care sunt punctele de reper în acest domeniu, cercetări privind comportamentul consumatorilor sau cercetări strategice, până la programe de training şi dezvoltare de nivel înalt pentru agenţi de asigurări de viaţă, manageri şi angajaţi în funcţii executive.

Organizaţia s-a diferenţiat şi prin cercetarea pe segmentul planurilor de pensii şi servicii auxiliare, pentru a-şi ajuta membrii să beneficieze de această oportunitate a pieţei.

LIMRA este considerată liderul industriei pe probleme referitoare la utilizarea reţelelor social media în industria serviciilor financiare, inclusiv pe teme de marketing, de conformitate cu regulile şi legislaţia şi pe subiecte de training.

Media XPRIMM a demarat în urmă cu mai bine de un an o amplă campanie de informare a populaţiei cu privire la conceptul de asigurare. Prima componentă a acestei campanii a reprezentat-o un portal dedicat conducătorilor auto -, web-site dedicat informării publicului cu privire la aspecte practice derivate din implementarea constatării amiabile.

Ca urmare firească, la începutul lunii septembrie 2009 s-a lansat , premieră în domeniul informării şi educării publicului larg asupra importanţei, rolului, dar şi asupra problemelor specifice asigurărilor de locuinţe. A urmat, care a devenit repede una dintre principalele surse de informare pentru şoferii din România.

Din octombrie 2010, asigurările de viaţă au propria platformă de promovare şi susţinere –

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H6j7Rc A big thank you for your post.Much thanks again. Much obliged.
It does read like a Korean male's writing, doesn't it?Things like..."Korean popele are kind popele by nature."Really? You've been here six months and you already know the nature of all Korean popele?"What I don't understand is how a foreign man can justify an action such as assaulting or raping a Korean girl and think that they are entitled to do so?"Is that a question?"Like I mentioned earlier, I have only been in Korea six months and the amount of time I have heard about assaults on Korean girls by foreign men is absolutely horrifying and despicable."I've been here for over four years and I can count on one hand how many assaults I've heard about. There are also way too many grammar mistakes in that sentence alone for it to be a native English speaker.It seems like a definite fake.
As a political more, it seems to make good sense. The only point of coenrcn I can see arising is that of the deficit hawk. Cut taxes, increase spending, you know the drill. Given the current uproar over austerity measures and the level of uncertainty, I could see Obama getting slammed for:1. Doing nothing to easy the deficit, thus making his whole economic strategy moot. (Most people in America don't get Keynesian economics anyway).2. Creating more uncertainty. The tax cuts should have been extended longer. Large corporations posturing in the name of the small business (which as sadly being put out in the pasture to die theses days) will claim that the level of uncertainty in the economic sector is already at an alltime high. Pushing the decision on tax cuts back one more year simply increases uncertainty. Businesses will not be able to adequately plan for the future, thus investment will remain stagnate. It won't be viewed as leadership, rather desperate appeasement. Again, you're probably right. I don't think Obama has much of a choice. His polls go down even after he pushes through his agenda, which is a very backwards thing. However I don't think extending the tax cuts for one more year will really help him that much. He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't at this point.
Thank you to both Dieter and Jody for bravely rnhuisg in, and I wouldn't say foolishly either, Dieter. You raise excellent points, some of which have stymied many an optimist. This blog was inspired in part by a colleague from the African Development Bank who told me he had had the privilege of working with Prof Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard University, and during that time they had discussed the goal/dream (depending on your perspective) of poverty eradication versus reduction. After that discussion, I realised that while both goals are laudable, it is only the goal of total poverty eradication which has any chance of getting us near it as an outcome. If our mindset is poverty elimination, it focuses us and all our initiatives on achieving the ultimate the way Olympic athletes focus their minds on gold. However, if our goal is poverty reduction, by however much, we are implicitly reinforcing for ourselves that poverty eradication is impossible and thereby reducing our target. We're happy to wear Springbok colours, which is pretty impressive in itself, but we don't believe we can ever achieve Olympic gold.Dieter, I enjoyed your example about the resetting the German economy. It raises questions about the role of human nature in economies, and for me it also raises questions about how our very biology may affect our behaviour in economies. It would be very interesting to understand how everybody who received 200 Reichsmarks dealt with them. Did those who had RM220 the next day sell some goods or some service of value to a buyer (who then had RM20 less in his pocket), such as food which had been sitting in his cupboard? Did some steal from others (rhetorical question!)? Did some gamble with friends and make (or lose) a quick mark? Clearly there was value in that market in addition to the new Reichsmark bills, which I'm assuming became a mechanism to facilitate trade at the very least. Investment, though? At what stage does the initial trading morph into saving and eventually investment? It would be interesting to hear from those who may have studied the economics of brand new economies what are the initial behaviour patterns that characterise a new economy? To what extent is the instinct to be first mover in that market driven by human biology ( it's human nature , it's beyond my control , etc.) and to what extent are those first movers more likely to take advantage of others than those who trade and invest more once the market has taken shape? In other words, what is the likelihood that the carpetbagger will be the primary economic mover in a new market, versus the ethical investor ?While humans have an innate sense of fairness and an extraordinarily accurate eye when it concerns them directly just watch two ten year olds check out the size of each others' desserts it rarely works the other way ( my dessert's bigger than yours here, take two spoonfuls of mine yeah, right!). How does one incentivise trade and investment such that it creates natural opportunities for development ( here, have two spoonfuls of mine I have more than enough, and more is probably not so good for me anyway, so I'll savour what I have even more knowing that you have enough too )?By the way, that example works the other way around with broccoli.
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