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Adaugat in data de 01-10-2012 |
CEC Bank si UNIQA Asigurari de viata ofera asigurari atasate creditelor ipotecare
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CEC Bank, in parteneriat cu UNIQA Asigurari de viata, ofera clientilor bancii asigurarea de deces si invaliditate atasata creditelor garantate cu ipoteca.
Polita de asigurare si deces se adreseaza clientilor CEC Bank care la data contractarii asigurarii au varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 79 de ani, fara a depasi 85 de ani la iesirea din asigurare. Riscurile acoperite prin aceasta polita sunt urmatoarele:
decesul din orice cauza (boala sau accident);
invaliditatea permanenta totala din orice cauza (bola sau accident), produsa in perioada de valabilitate a acoperirii.
“Raspunzand nevoilor clientilor nostri care au in derulare sau contracteaza un credit garantat cu ipoteca si solicita o asigurare, CEC Bank a incheiat un parteneriat cu UNIQA Asigurari de viata care face posibila achizitionarea politei de asigurare direct in unitatile bancii. Clientii economisesc timp si vor beneficia astfel de protectie financiara”, a declarat domnul Radu Gratian Ghetea, Presedintele CEC Bank.
In cazul aparitiei unui eveniment neprevazut, acoperit prin polita de asigurare de deces si invaliditate, UNIQA Asigurari de viata va acoperi soldul creditului, iar locuinta adusa in garantie la creditul contractat la CEC Bank va ramane familiei.
“Prin aceasta colaborare, CEC Bank devine un partener de incredere al UNIQA Asigurari de viata. Asigurarea pe care o oferim in cadrul acestui parteneriat este un produs simplu, usor de inteles si cu prime avantajoase. Intr-o perioada economica dificila, incheierea unei asigurari de viata este foarte importanta”, a declarat domnul Remus Lapusan, Presedinte Directorat UNIQA Asigurari de viata.
Prima de asigurare se achita lunar si se calculeaza prin aplicarea cotei de prima la soldul creditului. Astfel, prima lunara de asigurare scade pe masura rambursarii creditului. Spre exemplu, pentru un credit ipotecar in valoare de 90.000 RON, prima de asigurare este de 26,28 RON/luna, iar valoarea primei va scadea odata cu valoarea soldului creditului.
Informatii suplimentare despre polita de asigurare de deces si invaliditate pot fi obtinute de catre clienti in orice unitate CEC Bank, accesand site-ul www.cec.ro -sectiunea dedicata asigurarilor, precum si de la UNIQA Asigurari de viata, pe www.uniqa.ro..
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top seo guys
Mx9bQ4 Say, you got a nice blog article.Really thank you! Awesome.
For after sales support, I agree. Apple is tops and this I know from exenriepce. But for hardware that's tough. The iPhone 4 is a magnificent piece of kit (as I believe you Brits say) and elegant all around, problems notwithstanding. But I've always been impressed with the quality of Nokia phones, even though I can't stand the Symbian software. HTC seems to run the gamut from Mercedes to Yugo, but their Mercedes class stuff is 1st rate. The only Samsung phone I ever owned was the Focus I owned briefly, but other than the gorgeous screen, I wasn't much impressed by its build quality. Sony also tends to make some stunning hardware look at how impressed you are with the from of the Arc and I find my Xperia X10 to be a quality piece of work. Actually, I am thinking that building quality hardware is relatively easy if a company wants to put the effort into it. But after-sales support is where most companies fall on their faces and I truly don't recall having having seen any company get that as right as Apple does. Not that they don't have their fails they sure do as any company that large will. But walk into an Apple store and go to the Genius Bar and there's a far better chance you'll walk away impressed than not. (I can't speak to phone support as I've never used it).
Ahmed Helmi / fen al fa'9ee7a bl '9ab6?ya5eee esh 7adak? al business 7ago.. ma 3ajabak? ro7 java time aw dr.cafe ma7ad 7alaf 3lek tro7 t6lb min hinak.. law y76 al moya be 1000 riyal, bkefo.. :/ t5alof.. 0 0
That's rlaely thinking out of the box. Thanks!
154 164 people found fnilowlog review helpful: First Step Full HD 3D, Perfect, 5, 2010 a0 (Astoria, NY USA) a0a0a0a0a0a0 review : Samsung UN55C8000 55-Inch 1080p 240 Hz 3D LED HDTV (Electronics) Samsung's UN55C8000 LED TV (LED backlit LCD) represents a first step full HD 3D technology, 's without flaws. Drawbacks: * High price * Problems handling 24 frame/second material (movies) * Mixed results upconversion standard def material HD * crosstalk native upconverted 3D content * lighting uniformity issues (compared best plasma local-dimming sets) Pros: * Nice black levels shadow detail a super-thin (under 1-inch) edge-lit LED set * , colors * Energy efficient * Brilliant 3D effect native 3D content * Decent 3D upconversion 2D content (varies based content) * Extremely robust selection IPTV content (web-based widgets, audio video streaming) price, yes one first full HD 3D TVs market, expect pay a premium, $3500 (list) a lot pay a 55-inch TV. Panasonic's comparably sized featured 54-inch 3D VT25 plasma lists $500 less. Even Samsung's 3D-capable 46-inch LCD set (standard CCFL backlighting), sells half price LED-lit model. $1799 list, 46-inch 3D LCD slightly more expensive comparably sized, comparably featured 2D models. SD upconversion, C8000 well standard jaggies tests 2:3 cadence detection Auto 1 mode, falls apart mixed content (video titles a film background), combing/tearing artifacts screen unless out way change mode setting Auto 2 mode. A video processor accomodate both types content without user having deep set-up menus. C8000 s 3D feature both a pro a con. native 3D content, such Monster Vs. Aliens Blu-ray 3D well test patterns a USB stick, set's illusion depth dimensionality impressive better 3D effect seen theaters. found maintained 3D effect even 25 feet away well -axis (watching TV side room, instead directly front ). Yes, times crosstalk (left eye image visible eye, leads ghosting), sporadic generally isn't obtrusive minimize one's enjoyment movie. Samsung added a setting 1016.0 firmware allows adjust 3D mode minimize crosstalk , though even feature enabled, still crosstalk times. , Samsung offers a real-time 2D 3D conversion feature more effective expected give additional depth 3D qualities existing content. 's particularly effective vector-based animation games, even theatrical titles such Star Trek Avatar 2D Blu-ray Disc, scenes take a pleasant (though mild) sense depth. Back 2D mode, notice one unexpected issue C8000 s handling 24p content (24 frames/second) standard Blu-ray Discs. Previous Samsung models ability apply motion interpolation (Samsung's Auto Motion Plus feature) video-based content independently film content. separate settings Judder Reduction (film) Blur Reduction (video) worked independently. allows user apply motion interpolation video sources, live sports concert videos, minimizing screen blur smooting out motion, still presenting movies a native 24p mode preserves filmic feel many movie-lovers prefer. C8000 model, even Judder Reduction (set 0) Custom mode, still motion interpolation going , causes movies look a small more video (called soap opera effect ). Hopefully a problem fixed via firmware time review, available. [update: issue confirmed Samsung QA engineering] edge-lit set, issues picture uniformity. 're lighting up entire set a string LED lights along edges, 's far a diffusor panel a nice uniform backlight. Samsung improved over last year's edge-lit models, through a technique called Precision Dimming. Precision Dimming, areas lighting assembly turned dimmed independently areas. instead having one backlight, customers find helpful reviewsa0 review helpful ?a0 | a0 Jigsore says: 104 113 people found fnilowlog review helpful: Hands down best bang buck!, April 12, 2010 a0 (Portland, ) Amazon Verified () review : Samsung UN55C8000 55-Inch 1080p 240 Hz 3D LED HDTV (Electronics) saying I TV, replacing c7000 model. a month ago I walked a local retailer 3D sets coming out, surprise received first shipment C7000 3D ready sets Samsung. spending a half hour checking out TV, asking a lot I take plunge TV, 3D Blu-Ray player, starter kit. intentions a set day, getting time upgrade anyway I wanted something wow factor a . A friend I loaded up set connections , cracked a couple beers checked out investment. mixed reactions . Once novelty 3D wears really critical model. amount crosstalk picture, cloudy spots flashlighting bottom two corners. Very disappointing. I back store look model again see a fraction issues set . salesperson Panasonic Plasma coming day expected light years ahead Samsung picture quality, black level, crosstalk, etc. a week I see Panasonic now see same issues crosstalk 3D. 2D experience Panasonic quite time size available 50 , I replacing a 62 set really didn't want drastic a change. pictures Samsung absolutely stunning! a room watching a movie picture unacceptable a TV price range. point I figured I return TV, wait one Panasonic's hit stores. I saw C8000 being released earlier expected, technology called Pinpoint Dimming. doing quite a bit reading reviews, others' experience Samsung locally dimmed set's I give Samsung another chance before going Plasma. Amazon TV sale before local retailer I placed order crossed fingers I returning two TV's instead one. Well wrap up saying I sooooo glad I ! C8000 absolutely stunning aesthetic quality, best picture quality I probably seen! Dare I even better 8500 last year gets such reviews. flashlighting, black levels completely pitch black, another reviewer already stated, once picture dialed way really comparison. Everyone sees TV house watch a , fact, downside owning I 't people home! Now being , minor observations different a perfect world. set a large room watch a large angle lose black levels, price really wifi built . , menu's seems settings grouped together under headings, jump around menu's a bit set dialed , typically something doing time. I really 't see a problem . considering C7000 C8000 yourself a favor latter. Even set hundreds dollars more worth . one hard beat. UPDATE: having TV a week having technical issues switching sources randomly, changing picture settings reason. Samsung tech support very initially problems being caused Logitech remote I , increased tech issues TV returned. Being picture quality exceptional set I already replaced another one same model retail ( much less money really) keeping fingers crossed one technical issues. I leaving review five stars simply a bum product, something happened during shipping, Samsung, Amazon really taking care , picture quality really very . Reading reviews I surprised anyone give a five star rating. replacing C8000 I checked out one last B8500 s still available, side side I , people store more impressed C8000. way, I owned several products C-net customers find helpful reviewsa0 review helpful ?a0 | a0
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