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Adaugat in data de 30-03-2011 |
Stii de la ING - asigurarile de viata, promovate de ING intr-un proiect special de educatie financiara
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ING Asigurari de Viata si HotNews.ro au lansat in aceasta saptamana un parteneriat pentru desfasurarea unui proiect dedicat educatiei financiare in domeniul asigurarilor de viata. Concret, portalul HotNews.ro gazduieste sectiunea „Stii de la ING”, in cadrul careia vor fi oferite raspunsuri la cele mai frecvente intrebari privind mecanismul de functionare, optiunile si necesitatea produselor de asigurare de viata.
„Studiile ne demonstreaza ca in randul consumatorilor romani exista inca nelamuriri cu privire la produsele de asigurare de viata, iar beneficiile planificarii financiare pe termen lung sunt prea putin cunoscute. De aceea, ING isi continua initiativele de sustinere a clientilor in demersul de informare, prezentand aspecte esentiale ale asigurarilor de viata in maniera cel mai des folosita in intalnirile consultant-client: desenele” a declarat Carmen Soare, director de marketing al ING Asigurari de Viata.
Conceptul noii campanii este unul inedit si pune accent pe explicarea vizuala a notiunilor de baza, prin intermediul unor filme ce ofera informatii intr-o maniera accesibila, usor de parcurs si de asimilat.
Astfel, prin intermediul filmelor care vor fi postate bisaptamanal pe pagina www.hotnews.ro/stii_de_la_ing vizitatorii HotNews.ro afla raspunsul la intrebari precum: „ce este asigurarea de viata?”, „de ce sa-mi fac o asigurare de viata?”, „cand sa-mi fac asigurare de viata?”, „cat ma costa?”, „risc ceva cu o asigurare?”, „ce pierd daca renunt?” si „dupa ce fac asigurare, o uit intr-un sertar?”. Ordinea in care vor fi postate filmele este decisa prin vot chiar de catre vizitatorii site-ului HotNews.ro, in functie de gradul de interes fata de tema respectiva.
Noua sectiune isi propune sa devina o sursa obiectiva de informatie pentru consumatori, astfel incat acestia sa poata lua decizii documentate in ceea ce priveste asigurarile de viata si planificarea financiara pe termen lung.
In plus, incepand cu data de 21 aprilie, pe platforma HotNews.ro va fi organizat un concurs cu premii care testeaza si recompenseaza cunostintele cititorilor despre asigurarile de viata, iar in prima parte a lunii mai va urma o intalnire interactiva in cadrul careia reprezentantii ING Asigurari de Viata si ai agentiei de creatie care a realizat conceptul campaniei vor oferi detalii din culisele realizarii acesteia si vor vorbi despre proiectele actuale si de viitor legate de educatia financiara.
"Ne-am dorit sa lansam impreuna cu ING Asigurari de Viata a doua editie a suplimentului de educatie financiara inaugurat in 2009, de data aceasta intr-o noua forma - continut video care concentreaza in cateva minute toata informatia necesara cititorilor HotNews.ro pentru alegeri financiare intelepte", a declarat Ana-Maria David, Manager de Proiecte Speciale HotNews.ro.
Conceptul „Stii de la ING” sub umbrela caruia se desfasoara actualul proiect este deja binecunoscut publicului larg din demersurile de educare privind pensiile private, dar si din colaborarea precedenta dintre ING Asigurari de Viata si Hotnews.ro. In 2009, intr-un demers inovator pentru piata romaneasca, ING Asigurari de Viata a realizat, in cadrul portalului HotNews.ro, primul proiect de amploare pentru educatie financiara din mediul online..
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FCPG CEO Pierre Cote. We are very happy about the decision to go with IBM. This is a ciunotnation of the progress made by everyone associated with FCPG and its partners. Buell Duncan, IBM\'s general manager of ISV & Developer Relations commented, Collaborating with Keyvelop will ensure that we develop open solutions that are easy to maintain and cost effective for our customers in the healthcare and life sciences industry. Among other things, this new software technology which is currently being used by a number of European healthcare companies, is used to send any file, regardless of format or size. Encryption keys, evidence of transmission integrity with fingerprint calculation, time-stamping of all actions and status record updating, pre-checking sender and receiver identities, validating file opening dates are part of Keyvelop features.About FacePrint Global Solutions, Inc.FCPG operates a business, which develops and delivers a variety of technology solutions, including biometric software applications on smart cards and other support mediums (apometric solutions). FCPG s products provide biometric solutions for identity authentication and a host of smart card- and biometrics-related hardware peripherals and software applications. Apometrix, FCPG s wholly-owned subsidiary, combines on-card or in-chip multi-application management solutions with best-of-breed in-card matching biometrics. Keyvelop s secure digital envelope solution and Apometrix s on-card biometrics work together to produce the winning combination in the fields of security, traceability and identity management. Conclusion:The examples above show the Awesome, Earning Potential of little known Companies That Explode onto Investor s Radar Screens. This sto,ck will not be a Secret for long. Then You May Feel the Desire to Act Right Now! And Please Watch This One Trade! GO FCPG!Disclaimer:Information within this email contains \"forwardlooking statements\" withinthe meaning of Section 27Aof the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21B ofthe Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any statements that express or involvediscussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs,plans, projections, objectives, goals, assumptions or future events orperformance are not statements of historical fact and may be \"forwardlooking statements\". \"Forward |ooking statements\" are based onexpectations, estimates and projections at the time the statements are madethat involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actualresults or events to differ materially from those presently anticipated.We were paid a sum of three thousand USD to disseminate this information from ir marketing. Forward loking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as \"projects\", \"foresee\", \"expects\", \"will\", \"anticipates\",\"estimates\", \"believes\", \"understands\" or that by statements indicatingcertain actions \"may\", \"could\", or \"might\" occur. Risk factors includegeneral economic and business conditions, the ability to acquire and developspecific projects, the ability to fund operations and changes in consumerand business consumption habits and other factors overwhich the company haslittle or no control. The publisher of this newsletter does not representthat the information contained herein are true and correct.
OMG they are just swinging their bits at each other. I think apple need to get a grip and sort out snhitmeog for their IPAD. I love mine but can't use it to show my website which is flash based come on Steve Jobs get your act together and stop playing the profit game for a moment and think about the consumer for once. Great product deserves more than just HTML5
At last! Someone who understands! Thanks for ptosing!
74Hgo9 With the bases loaded you srtuck us out with that answer!
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