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Adaugat in data de 28-06-2013

Castiga 100 de euro cu cardul, de ziua ta - promotie pentru posesorii persoane fizice de card Libra Bank

Castiga 100 de euro cu cardul, de ziua ta - promotie pentru posesorii persoane fizice de card Libra Bank

Libra Internet Bank lanseaza promotia „Castiga 100 de euro cu cardul, de ziua ta”. Are sanse sa castige premiul de 100 de euro net persoana fizica posesoare a oricarui tip de card emis de Libra Internet Bank care, in luna in care isi aniverseaza ziua de nastere, inregistreaza cel mai mare volum (valoare in bani) al tranzactiilor efectuate cu cardul Libra la comercianti, dintre clientii eligibili nascuti in aceeasi luna.

Prin efectuarea de tranzactii la comercianti cu carduri Libra Internet Bank, clientii persoane fizice sunt inclusi automat in promotie, fara a fi necesar un demers de inscriere. La promotie pot participa inclusiv clientii persoane fizice care solicita, obtin si folosesc un card de la Libra Internet Bank in perioada promotiei. Sunt exclusi din promotie angajatii si colaboratorii interni ai Libra Internet Bank, sotii/sotiile sau rudele de gradul I ai acestora.

Fiecare premiu are valoarea de 100 de euro net pentru cate un castigator in fiecare luna din perioada promotiei (1 iulie – 31 decembrie 2013). Premiul va fi virat de Libra Internet Bank castigatorului, direct pe cardul Libra al acestuia, ca echivalent in lei la cursul BNR din ziua efectuarii transferului, pana la data de 10 ale lunii urmatoare celei aniversare.

Din luna august 2013 va fi desemnat castigatorul lunii anterioare. Libra Internet Bank va intocmi lista electronica incluzand datele participantilor la promotie care si-au aniversat ziua de nastere in luna anterioara si va determina clasamentul clientilor eligibili, avand drept singure criterii volumul individual al tranzactiilor cu cardul si faptul ca ziua de nastere a posesorilor de carduri Libra a fost in luna analizata.

Desemnarea castigatorului fiecarei luni va avea loc in data de 10 ale lunii urmatoarele celei aniversare sau, daca este zi nelucratoare, in cea mai apropiata zi lucratoare anterioara. In cazul in care castigatorul nu este valid sau refuza premiul, castigator va fi desemnat urmatorul participant aflat in clasamentul Libra Internet Bank, in ordinea descrescatoare a volumelor tranzactiilor efectuate cu cardul.

Castigatorul va fi contactat telefonic sau prin SMS/e-mail, ulterior desemnarii sale. Numele castigatorului si premiul acordat vor fi facute publice pe site-ul bancii Date fiind prevederile legale referitoare la confidentialitatea operatiunilor bancare, participantii necastigatori vor putea solicita doar informatii despre locul pe care s-au clasat ei insisi.

Regulamentul promotiei este disponibil la .

Organizatorul promotiei „Castiga 100 de euro cu cardul, de ziua ta” este Libra Internet Bank S.A., cu sediul in Bucuresti, sector 2, str. Semilunei, nr. 4-6, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului cu numarul J40/334/1996, cod fiscal RO8119644, nr.inregistrare ca operator de date cu caracter personal 735 .

Clientii eligibili care nu doresc sa participe la promotie, pot comunica optiunea lor catre Libra Internet Bank prin trimiterea unui mesaj email la adresa info @ cu subiectul: „Excludere promotie 100 de euro de ziua ta”.


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Little Libra is so cute! Where's the sun?? hahaha!!! And Bye Sun, thakns for coming!! Double bwahahaha! That's just precious! But seriously, HOW DO YOU answer that question decently with a two-year old?? No wonder our yayas relied on paranormal explanations to shut us up (and propagate urban myths some of which I still subconsciously believe today)! Kudos to you for being a great mother who understands her need of making sense of this brand new world!
Margaret, I was truly surprised to hear you'd gone thgrouh that. I had you pegged as a Molly Mormon with a stick up your butt. Not to offend, just to be honest.I very much appreciate your courage in sharing. My daughter has been reading these threads and she really has needed encouragement. She will read something and say, that's so cool and I say I know, my friends on the blog are totally cool. I read Reviving Ophelia a few months ago and it was a revelation to me. Because of the guilt and regret I felt over the death and suicide of my sons, I feel that I neglected my girls. I didn't build them up. Reviving Ophelia helped me to see things differently and I'm trying to put that into practice.I also loved The Painted Veil. If you only watch it for the view alone, it's worth it. But the love story between the husband and wife was transcendant. I feel close to you now! Don't go throw up knowing my mind works slightly like yours, now :) In my daughter's case, I believe this was a marriage that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Not because of her husband's shortcomings, but because she was 19, young, spoiled, immature, and nowhere ready to commit. She earned my respect (she already had my adoration) when she worked so hard and diligently paid their bills, but she is still Princess Buttgold, you guys.In fact, I'm absolutely thrilled she's moving out today. I put myself back in bed helping her get her ducks in a row so she could move, I was that sick of her. She's darling, charming and sweet and so spoiled, if she was fruit, she'd be black with flies all over her. I totally don't get her.But, as per Reviving Ophelia, I'm pouring myself into her. I sure get tired of holding my right hand down to keep from slapping her, though.My heart aches for her husband. He's so lazy, but he is doing so much now to win her back, he's trying to change. Only God knows how this little drama is going to turn out.I still say if I had it to do over, I'd stay in heaven and be a ministering angel. Or get my tubes tied when I was 12 and live in a cave till I died. I've totally sucked as a parent.I guess I ran Michael off. Here's a couple of things I found on One is a talk by Elder Oaks, the other is just guidelines about divorce. It does appear that divorced people lose their recommends temporarily.Margaret, was this the procedure when you divorced? It was when I did. Sarah is indignant about the process. I'm pointing her to FMH to vent her ire.David, I suspect that you and Shannon are evenly matched in charisma and brilliance. She's not onery, but maybe she has a good left hook. I know Bill does LOL. So, here are the links (I don't know why they're so long):
I have my sun in Virgo and my moon in Sagittarius, and yes, I ADORE travelling!But I have only been to Brazil, Argentina, and Spain This year Ib4m going to U.S. and Mexico thuogh!!!Ib4m really excited!!!Ib4m only 14, so I guess I understand why I did not travel as much as some other people. But, still!
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