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Facilitati speciale oferite evaluatorilor care sunt clienti Libra Internet Bank

Facilitati speciale oferite evaluatorilor care sunt clienti Libra Internet Bank

Cei 4365 de evaluatori autorizati si 348 de societati de evaluare inregistrate la ANEVAR sunt interesati de cost-eficienta operatiunilor bancare de mare valoare si de rapiditatea accesului la fondurile proprii, chiar si de la distanta, precum si de surse suplimentare de finantare a investitiilor lor. De la inceputul anului 2013, Libra Internet Bank ofera o gama completa de solutii financiare pentru evaluatori si companii de profil, cuprinzand bonus la economisire, produse de finantare, carduri si serviciul modernizat de Internet Banking.

„Metodele de documentare si de lucru ale evaluatorilor se bazeaza mult pe mijloace electronice, iar in dezvoltarea afacerilor, ei au nevoie de o abordare bancara particulara, pe care noi am inteles-o. Fiindca avem in comun Internetul si viteza de reactie, Libra Internet Bank le da posibilitatea evaluatorilor sa isi transfere in mediul online aproape toate operatiunile bancare non-cash si sa isi scada costurile si consumul de timp, prin Internet Banking”, a declarat Emil Bituleanu, presedintele Libra Internet Bank.

Concret, optand pentru operarea online la Libra Internet Bank, expertii si societatile de evaluari beneficiaza de o modalitate de conectare moderna si comoda prin sms, fara token sau alte dispozitive costisitoare, fara taxa de activare si fara taxa de abonament lunar, iar comisioanele online sunt cu circa o treime mai mici decat in sucursale. Diversitatea operatiunilor posibile prin aplicatia online cuprinde plati, constituire/spargere depozite, schimburi valutare la curs standard si negociat, activarea / dezactivarea cardurilor pentru utilizare online, vizualizarea de acte, grafice de rambursare, blocaje pe cont, rapoarte variate, iar soldurile si extrasele de cont sunt actualizate in timp real dupa fiecare operatiune.

Evaluatorii pot economisi pe card LIBRA GOLD, cu o dobanda avantajoasa acordata de banca pentru solduri de peste 500 RON. Firmele de evaluari au la dispozitie cardul LIBRA BUSINESS, cu ajutorul caruia isi pot gestiona rapid si sigur cheltuielile companiei si pot defini limite zilnice diferite pentru fiecare detinator. Posesorii cardurilor emise de Libra Internet Bank au acces la fondurile proprii prin peste 200 de bancomate ale retelei Euronet din 30 de judete, care aplica aceleasi conditii financiare ca la cele 38 de ATM-uri ale bancii.


Totodata, economisirea este bonificata suplimentar de Libra Internet Bank pentru societatile de evaluare, evaluatorii ca persoane fizice si membrii familiilor lor, acestia primind un bonus de 0,25% p.a. la dobanda standard pentru depozite in RON, EUR sau USD, la termen, cu plata la scadenta.

Iar pentru companiile care isi incep sau isi dezvolta afacerile in domeniul evaluarii imobilelor, echipamentelor si altor bunuri, Libra Internet Bank a creat produse dedicate, precum creditul e-Valuator pentru investitii sau activitate curenta in RON, EUR sau USD, rambursabil in rate egale ori descrescatoare, in maxim 25 de ani in cazul investitiilor sau in maxim 7 ani daca este contractat pentru activitate curenta. La acordarea creditului, banca ia in calcul incasarile societatii, nu profitul. In functie de valoarea garantiilor si de structura creditului, avansul poate sa nu fie necesar sau sa fie solicitat intr-un procent de pana la 20%. Nu sunt necesare garantii reale pentru sume sub 30.000 RON, iar pentru valori mai mari creditul poate fi garantat cu ipoteca mobiliara pana la 80.000 RON si, respectiv, cu ipoteca imobiliara. Banca poate acorda o perioada de gratie de maxim 6 luni la creditele de investitii.


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Hello Yniz guys. Yes my Pittsburghness is creeping out and with good reoasn today I didnt read the intent of this moon but i think the dream is a good fit after reading it. title of the dream is . 86 so im on a football field im trying out for the Pittsburgh Steelers its very hard work and im working hard one of the coaches called me aside and tells me when we leave to get on the team bus to go to Heinz I know this means im making the team one of the last two slots when i get to Heinz im congratulated by the other members of the team. I tell them about knowing one of the recent Steelers Hall of Fame guys Jack Butler, and going to school with his kids, i cant wait to let him know i am making the team. I move to Sunday suit up time whats my number i know im one of the scrubs jsut making the team im going to be lucky to get in and play on kick off teams some but still im on the team. the equipment guy comes by and hands me a shirt it has the number 86 on it wow i say but that is one of the unoffical retired numbers right the guy just nods why am i getting Hines Wards number. the guy just sugs and walks away. its time to get on the bus to go to the game .wow this way early guys im told that they have a thing they do before each game that only the familys and team know about. so the familys and team load up and off we go out into the hills around Pittsburgh we come to what looks like a grave yard. as we get close i see its storage places each one diffrent some very fancy some not sitting on the side of hill; reminds me of the southside of Pittsburgh Houses on the hill. we get out and im confused they say we have things here we store money that we dont want people to know about all kind of stuff we bring the family along in case they need to they know what is there and how to get at it. ok im led to a shed sort of bran looking ..this is yours we know you dont have much now but you will and its a safe place to store things till you need them or if you dont want someone to get at them. i woke up very confused. amused that i made the steelers football team. and doing my best to understand the number 86. and the function of the sheds. In real life i never played football i do know Jack Butler and went to high school with his kids. even went to steeler tanning camp with him and the his boys in the 70s the number 86 was bothering me to 86 something is to get read of but im 86 but im confused by the fact i made the team and got a hallowed number of one the steelers greats to honor the dream work on finding out what 86 is, and come to this form even though i was going to skip it.Bumper: 86ing its is greatHave at crew Thanks Like +3
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