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Adaugat in data de 17-01-2013

Libra Internet Bank - noi facilitati de creditare pentru cabinete medicale

Libra Internet Bank - noi facilitati de creditare pentru cabinete medicale

La inceputul acestui an, Libra Internet Bank a lansat doua noi facilitati prin care cabinetele si societatile cu profil medical isi pot finanta activitatea: cardul Libra Business Medical cu descoperit de cont si creditul pentru echipamente medicale garantat de Fondul National de Garantare a Creditelor pentru IMM.

“Tendintele pietei ne-au determinat sa ne adaptam constant strategia si sa fim receptivi la cerintele profesionistilor din medicina, cu care lucram din 2004. Pentru 2013, Libra Internet Bank mizeaza tot mai mult pe servicii online, dar si pe adaptarea produselor clasice in acord cu nevoia cabinetelor, clinicilor si companiilor medicale de a obtine finantare din surse private cu mai mare rapiditate si cu mai mult sprijin in constituirea garantiilor. Descoperitul de cont pe un card al cabinetului fara garantii reale si extinderea colaborarii cu FNGCIMM si pentru alte entitati decat IMM sunt elemente care consolideaza parteneriatul nostru cu sectorul medical.” a declarat Emil Bituleanu, presedintele Libra Internet Bank.

Cardul de credit Libra Business Medical are ca titular cabinetul/societatea medicala, dobanda se percepe doar la suma utilizata, iar valoarea maxima a descoperitului de cont pe card fara garantii reale este de pana la 60.000 RON. Dobanda se ramburseaza lunar, principalul la scadenta, si fiecare rambursare da dreptul unei noi utilizari. Cardul Libra Business Medical poate fi utilizat pentru plati la ATM, plati la comercianti (POS), retrageri de numerar si pentru plati online. Posesorii de card beneficiaza gratuit de serviciul Internet Banking.

Clientii posesori de carduri emise de Libra Internet Bank pot folosi pentru tranzactii cele 40 de ATM-uri ale bancii, precum si cele 224 de bancomate ale retelei Euronet din 30 de judete care aplica aceleasi conditii financiare ca la ATM-urile bancii.

In ceea ce priveste Creditul HIPOCRATE pentru echipamente medicale garantat de FNGCIMM, noutatea consta in faptul ca societatea sau cabinetul medical isi poate completa lista de garantii cu garantie de la Fondul National de Garantare a Creditelor pentru IMM (maxim 80% din valoarea creditului). Pentru sumele de pana la 300.000 RON, aprobarea creditului poate fi acordata in maxim 3 zile de la prezentarea documentatiei necesare. Titularul creditului beneficiaza de activare gratuita a serviciului Internet Banking.

Costurile cabinetelor si clinicilor medicale cu serviciile bancare pot fi reduse semnificativ prin utilizarea serviciului Internet Banking, pentru care Libra Internet Bank nu percepe nici abonament, nici taxa de activare si acorda 30% reducere la comisioanele operationale online fata de cele de la ghiseul bancii. Noua metoda comoda de autentificare prin SMS oferita de Libra Internet Bank asigura clientilor siguranta operatiunilor, dar si avantajul de a se putea conecta prin orice browser.

Libra Internet Bank se concentreaza pe servicii si produse bancare inovative, care folosesc Internetul si platformele online pentru a oferi operativitate si functionalitate clientilor bancii: profesii liberale, companii mari si IMM.

Din 2004, Libra Internet Bank a fost prima institutie bancara care a creat produse dedicate sectorului medical - inclusiv primul card bancar romanesc dedicat medicilor (Libra Medical) - si a obtinut numeroase premii relevante pe aceasta piata. Ulterior, din 2007, largindu-si succesiv portofoliul cu produse pentru profesiile liberale (avocati, notari, contabili, arhitecti, psihologi, farmacisti, specialisti IT, practicieni in insolventa etc.), Libra Internet Bank a continuat sa acorde o atentie prioritara parteneriatului cu medicii. Cel mai recent premiu, obtinut in 2012, a fost „Cel mai bun produs si cea mai buna initiativa de finantare pentru medici” pentru produsul Hipocrate Net, acordat de Colegiul Medicilor din Romania (Gala Medica).

Ponderea clientilor cu profesii liberale in portofoliul Libra Internet Bank este de 40% in 2012, inregistrand cresteri intre 20% si 72% la acordarea de credite si, respectiv, atragerea de depozite ale clientilor cu profesii liberale, fata de anul 2011.


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All charts are a mix of vaoruis planes and signs a person's sun, moon and rising sign are the three most important points to start at If you are Scorpio rising, the odds are good your Libra Sun Venus may very well be in the 12th house of the unconscious, so your Libra traits might not be as pronounced but you will have them. The Sun is always important. It might not be obvious at first, but as people get to know you, the Libra balance harmony side will be noticed, though it will manifest along with the Scorpio passion.But with Scorpio rising, and Mars Pluto probably in the 1st house, that Scorpio intensity will be the first thing people notice Your Rising Sign and 1st house are what you present to the world, your first foot forward, so to speak And both Mars Pluto have connections to Scorpio, so that is a strong influence.So having a lighter Moon, in Sagittarius, is a nice offset to all that intense Scorpio.And your Mercury must be in either Scorpio, Libra or Virgo Hope the above makes sense
Jessica Happy birthday!!! I will third the suseigtgon that you will love LR! I highly recommend the Scott Kelby book and do follow it from the beginning. I'm a skip-around the book kind of girl myself, but I forced myself to start from the beginning and the way he has you set up LR for importing and maintaing the photo database is so important and vital for keeping yourself organized.He also does a fab job of going through each module in a very systematic way. I would also recommend Matt Koslowski's Lightroom Killer Tips I'm sure you can probably get to it through the NAPP website.
sooo cute! I love the last photo. At least she knows green my daughter can name any other basic coolrs at 24months but when it comes to green, she stalls. I was a bit concerned that she maybe color blind. haha
Not really. I'm ctbofroamle visiting the rest of America or at least staying on the continent, going to New York, Cali, D.C, Hawaii, Mexico etc. But I don't like to go far, I went all over Europe the year before last year and everybody was jealous- but I actually felt really isolated, nervous and sad most of the time. When I got to Spain I just couldn't keep going, everyone was all lets go into Morocco or Amsterdam. I cut the trips two months short and went home.And I **** planes, I'd rather take a train, carpool with my family or friends or even stomach a bus/shuttle. I've been flying since I was really small, my parents divorced when I was 3 and I had to go back and forth clear across the country all the time for visitation because they lived in different places. Also my mom whose a Gemini always wanted to take me wherever she was going, Japan, France etc. But I still **** it,I always feel vulnerable and unprotected. Like I've got no sense of my self, I just feel ***** and floating away, I always feel nauseous though I never get sick. I'm cramped up next to strangers, people have taken my things away from me, and I'm so sleep-deprived (I can never sleep before I travel, I just stay up all night no matter how hard I try to get to sleep) but too on edge to fall asleep on the flight.I **** going through airports, its just horrible. People putting their hands on me and my things and searching us both as if I'm a criminal. You're running around out of breath trying to find things, and all of this takes hours- driving there, parking, checking in, checking bags, getting to terminals, going to the boarding areas- which you must show up at an extra hour in advance for to be permitted to enter (even if your plane hasn't come in yet,) then waiting for the plane. Then pray you don't have a connecting flight because then you have to do it all over and over again all day long. I barely like to leave my house -Virgo sun, Cancer moon and Pisces rising. Eh, my Venus sign too? Cancer again.
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