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Adaugat in data de 13-04-2013

Libra Internet Bank dezvolta serviciul de Internet Banking in parteneriat cu clientii sai

Libra Internet Bank dezvolta serviciul de Internet Banking in parteneriat cu clientii sai

Dupa schimbarea platformei sale online cu o versiune modernizata la inceputul anului 2013, Libra Internet Bank a adaugat un nou set de facilitati serviciului Internet Banking, intr-un program de dezvoltare continua, bazat pe un parteneriat cu clientii, in premiera in Romania. Opiniile lor sunt analizate de un serviciu specializat si programate pentru implementare in termen rapid, de la cateva zile la cateva saptamani, in functie de complexitate. Programul continua pe parcursul intregului an.

Gradul de utilizare a serviciului online oferit de Libra Internet Bank este in crestere, in 2012 banca inregistrand cu 36,4% mai multe companii si cabinete de profesii liberale abonate fata de 2011, si cu 20,6% mai multe tranzactii ale acestor clienti prin Internet Banking, cu un volum in crestere cu 33%.

„Clientii se obisnuiesc tot mai mult sa faca banking de la distanta si exprima opinii foarte pertinente. Libra Internet Bank a initiat un program de dezvoltare continua a serviciului Internet Banking in parteneriat cu clientii sai, cu ambitia de a crea minim 26 de noi aplicatii online in 2013. Si reusim. Suntem deschisi spre noile tehnologii, spre viitor. Elita intelectualitatii ne-a ales ca partener financiar - medicii si toate celelalte profesii liberale, dar si marii intreprinzatori – ceea ce ne obliga sa fim performanti. Stim ca timpul e inamicul tuturor, tratam cu seriozitate acest aspect si oferim clientilor maxima receptivitate si rapiditate in operarea online.

”, a declarat Emil Bituleanu, presedintele Libra Internet Bank.

Cele mai recente dezvoltari pe care Libra Internet Bank le-a inclus in aplicatia Internet Banking sunt:

deschiderea de conturi curente suplimentare in lei sau valuta in aplicatia Internet Banking, fara drumuri la banca si fara acte suplimentare.

vizualizarea in Internet Banking a unor acte aferente conturilor: delegatii, fise cu specimen de semnaturi, mandate de debit direct.

activarea sau dezactivarea, prin Internet Banking, a statusului cardului pentru utilizare in tranzactii online de catre persoanele juridice.

Pagina web care prefateaza si descrie aplicatia de Internet Banking are la randul ei o noua infatisare si cuprinde demonstratii video ale facilitatilor suplimentare introduse dupa lansarea noii platforme.

Serviciul Internet Banking de la Libra Internet Bank este disponibil fara taxa de activare si fara plata unui abonament, iar comisioanele operationale online sunt cu 30% mai mici fata de cele de la ghiseu.

Libra Internet Bank este persoana juridica romana, este participanta la Fondul de Garantare a Depozitelor in Sistemul Bancar (FGDB) si face parte din grupul american de investitii New Century Holdings din anul 2003.

In versiunea optimizata la inceputul anului 2013, serviciul de online banking de la Libra Internet Bank si-a sporit viteza de incarcare a paginilor si de actualizare a soldurilor dupa fiecare operatiune, si-a adaugat noi operatiuni si optiuni, pe baza sugestiilor clientilor, si necesita mai putine click-uri in pasii de efectuare a operatiunilor. Autentificarea prin sms, implementata in 2012 de Libra Internet Bank, asigura un grad ridicat de securitate informatica si avantajul conectarii prin orice browser.

Alaturi de numeroase alte distinctii pentru produse in premiera in sistemul bancar, Libra Internet Bank este recunoscuta pentru inovatiile sale online, fiind distinsa in 2011 cu premiul “e-Product” pentru serviciul Acces Investigator (la Gala e-Finance) si in 2012 cu premiul „e-Nnovation Award” pentru facilitatea de decontare in ziua tranzactiei (T+0) in sistemul LibraPay de gestionare online a platilor la comercianti (la Gala e-Finance), premiul „Cel mai bun produs pentru medici” acordat de Colegiul Medicilor din Romania pentru produsul Hipocrate Net (la Gala Medica 2012), premiul “Best Start-Up Bank in the 3D Secure System” pentru serviciul LibraPay (la Gala Premiilor eCommerce - GPeC).


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WzcKVD Thank you for your article.Really looking forward to read more. Fantastic.
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??????? ??????
sweating for the brow, Discipline purses stow Doesn't discover the get good at in addition to Wu Han all things considered what's secrets legal contract, Wu Han however , considering Bluebird taken aback unique: Older turtledove can be not to imply you can't converse with the item?
A couple of thigns to think about as the parent of adult children, I can see now that it would have been a disaster had any of my children received their estate share at age 18. I have particularly immature children, but frankly, I don't know many 18 year olds that wouldn't be driving much of their new money soon after receipt. In a will, you can designate later ages and I think that is good. Also, if any of your children develop handicaps that make them eligible for SSI, you will need to check out a Special Needs Trusts something I hope is never a problem for you. And finally, dividing up personal property has been known to fracture families. For my will, I wrote in a system where all the personal items left after my death are to be numbered (either individually or in sets). Starting with the oldest, each child can select one item until everything anyone wants is gone. This insures that everyone will get something they value but no one child will get everything they want.
to be an executor under the will arcncdiog to the tenor.The intention of the testator must be sufficiently definite, and the court, in determining whether the will effectively appoints an executor, cannot proceed on loose conjectural interpretation, or by considering what a man might be imagined to do in the testator's circumstances, nor spell our the designation of one as executor by the tenor from the mere mention of his name in the will. [are the footprints 'definite' enough for the court? And to further suggest it's the newbornbaby read the next section on just how competent you have to be in order to be an executor…..]Competency, SECTION 28, page 909: All persons, generally speaking, who are capable of making wills are capable of becoming executors, and indeed the favor of the law extends even further in this respect…..the power to name an executor is coextensive with the power to devise or bequeath the estate…accordingly, one named as executor is not disqualified by old age, bodily infirmities, lack of business experience, or ignorance of law, and one named in the will as executrix may qualify although she was the testator's concubine…..that crime,drunkenness, or dissolute habits seldom disqualified one from serving as executor…..the court may find unfit and refuse [executor appointment] where his dissolute or criminal habits or his dishonesty or lack of integrity bring him within the condemnation of the statute….Mere poverty, or even insolvency, constitutes no legal cause for refusing the executorship to the testator's chosen appointee, and courts have thus respected the testator's choice.One who is appointed both executor and trustee under a will does not by accepting the trust accept also the executorship. [so courts can construe you as a trustee doesnʼt mean you are an executor].Page 937, SECTION 41; Status as Creditor: In order to entitle one to administration as a creditor, it is necessary that he should actually be a creditor and it has been held that he must be a creditor of decedent, and have a claim or demand which may properly be proved against the administrator when 952 SECTION 46: …material intermeddling may disqualify one from becoming an administrator….appointment of persons to such positions of trust are construed to apply to real and not to artificial persons. In most jurisdictions this rule has been changed.SECTION 49 PROCEEDINGS FOR APPOINTMENT NECESSITY, page 957: It has been said that a proceeding for letters testamentary or for administration of the estate of a decedent is one in rem, or in the nature of a proceeding in rem, the res being the estate of the decedent, and the only identification of it being the name of the deceased as set forth in the petition; it also has been said that in certain respects such a providing may by the act of interested parties assume the character of a providing in personam, and that such a proceeding is either in rem or in personam, being in personam so far it determines the right to take letters, and in rem so far as it holds in abeyance the title to the personalty. [the all cap name on the BC is in rem? This is how they proceed in avoiding probate and equity courts because they would need in personam jurisdiction]SECTION 62 Trial or Hearing, and Determination: [is this why they have hearings to see if the executor shows up?]SECTION 91, REMOVAL OF EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR: page 1040, Jurisdiction for the removal of an executor or administrator usually belongs to the probate court….In general, chancery has no power to remove an executor [because the executor office is not in personam for equity to perform]…a proceeding for the removal of an executor or administrator should bebought against him personally and not in his representative capacity…SECTION 147, page 1107, The supervisory power of the courts over executors and administrators is derived from the jurisdiction of courts of equity in cases of trusts arising in the settlement of estates, and may be exercised by courts of probate only when it is expressly or by necessary implication conferred on them by statute. [when there is no adequate remedy at law?]Page 1108, Procedure: an executor, desiring to obtain the instructions of the court, should bring a bill in equity, and not a petition.SECTION 151, page 1113: POWERS before QUALIFICATIONS: …as a general rule neither an executor nor an administrator can sue or be sued, either at law or in equity, until he has been duly qualified…SECTION 167, page 1136 AUTHORITY and DUTY in GENERAL, An executor or administrator has the primary duty to collect the assets of the estate, and he must take into his custody all personal chattels and collect all debts or claims due the estate. [see? it's your duty to get the OID from the banks because it belongs to the estate!]Foreign Domiciliary Representatives, SECTION 1000 [note to self, read this]SECTION 184, DUTIES AND LIABILITIES OF REPRESENTATIVES IN GENERAL: page 1160, An executor or administrator is under a duty to take custody of the estate and administer it in such a manner as to preserve and protect the property for ultimate distribution. In the discharge of such duty he is held to the highest degree of good faith and is required to exercise that degree of care and diligence which prudent persons ordinarily exercise, under likecircumstances, in their own personal affairs.SECTION 185, Since an administrator is an officer of the court, his custody of the property of the state is deemed to be the custody of the court. The rep is entitled to the custody of the books and papers of the estate. [write Treasury requesting a full accounting and list of assets and debts due the estate?]SECTION 187 DESIGNATION OF DEPOSIT, page 1166: The representative should make the deposit with a designation of his fiduciary capacity, and if the deposit is made in his individual name, without any designation of the trust, ['special deposit'??] he is liable for any loss which results from such disposition of the funds, regardless of any question of negligence or intention in making the deposit in such form, and it is not material that he had at the time no money ofhis own deposited in the bank, or that he informed the bank, at the time of the deposit, that the funds belonged to the estate. However, a mere defect in designating his fiduciary capacity will not render a representative personally liable where the deposit has at all times been recognized as belonging to the estate and where the bank is chargeable with knowledge of the trust fund nature of the deposit.SECTION 193. ENGAGING IN BUSINESS. page 1171, An executor may not engage in business with the funds of the estate, and if he does so he is chargeable with all losses incurred and profits made….an executor is not justified in placing or leaving assets in trade, for this is a hazardous use to permit of trust moneys and trading lies outside the scope of administrative functions…page 1172 note, Mere execution of trust by executor in ordinary way of gathering and distributing assets does not constitute doing business. [do not take your OIDrefund and commingle it with commerce?]SECTION 231, page 1233, Generally a personal representative is entitled to credit [in his account] for debts of the decedent which he has paid…for the amount paid out in settling a bona fide claim against the estate, whereby a saving has been effected, but he cannot be allowed for an illegal claim which he paid to avoid family disgrace.SECTION 239, page 1243, In General, An executor or administrator may not acquire individual interests inconsistent with his duties or make a personal profit from his dealings with the property of the estate; but the rule may be relaxed as to transactions in good faith, and beneficial, or not prejudicial, to the estate.ABSENCEBOOK 1[you need to know this before you read "ABSENTEE"] Absence sometimes means that a person is not at the place of his domicile, yet, his place of residence being known, or news or information having been received from him, his existence is not uncertain, but in a more confined and more technical sense absence signifies that the residence of the person who is not at the place of his domicile is unknown, and that for this reason his existence is doubtful.[so don't you think after reading this it's crucial to know what "DOMICILE" is? Stay tuned after "ABSENTEES" and hold on to your socks!!!!!!!!!!Shall we first look in CJS for "DOMICILE"?]DOMICILEpage 10, section 5, [there's three kinds but only the first one is relevant] DOMICILE OF ORIGIN, A person's domicile of origin is the domicile of his parents, the head of his family, or the person on whom he is legally dependent, at the time of his birth. It is general, but not necessarily, the place of birth. The domicile of origin has also been defined as the primary domicile of every person subject the common law. [common law location-not address?]*****Page 37, section 16, Domicile of infants: an infant's domicile is presumed to continue at the place of his birth or the residence of his parents until it has been lawfully changed. The presumption may be overcome by facts showing a different condition; and the burden of proof is on a minor to establish a change in his domicile….[next section] it has been held that a decedent's domicile in his lifetime must be presumed to have been the place of death [which death, the day your BC was probated or the day the coroner death certificate? Wizard of Oz:“really really dead, not just merely merely dead”].ABSENTEE Book 1Administration and Distribution. The state may, by appropriate legislation, provide for the administration, and even for distribution of the estate of an absentee who has been absent for an unreasonable time or for such a length of time as gives rise to a reasonable presumption of death. [30, 60, 90 days? When is your bill so past due that they send notice of default to being proceedings?]However, such legislation must insure that due process of law if afforded by providing adequate protection to the interests of the absentee in the event that he is alive, and in the case where the absentee actually is alive, the legislation must be applicable to that situation, and must not purport to authorize or validate the administration of his estate as that of a deceased person. [Wizard of Oz, scene when the dead witch is under the house: the Munchkin comes out with a "Death Certificate" and says "she's not just merely merely dead, she's really really dead."]page 342, Transfer of Trust Estate: The court, in statutory proceedings in rem, may order the interest of an absentee, presumed to be dead, under a testamentary trust transferred to the persons, as trustees, who would be entitled thereto if he were dead. [see my Wizard of Oz comment above once again….]page 343, Partition. Where, in a partition proceeding, a court having jurisdiction of property within the state acts on the presumption of death of a tenant in common arising from his long continued and unexplained absence, it should make such provision as is reasonably necessary to secure, protect and safeguard his rights an interests if it should turn out that he is alive.[how many times does this chapter repeat the idea "in case he is found alive" and “presume dead”?]page 340, Due process limitations upon governmental regulation of the estates of absentees are treated in CJS Constitutional Law SECTION 1421. [Now how bad do you want your Constitutional rights knowing that’s it’s constitutional to presume you’re dead and take your estate? I put that in here later].Sec 6b, page 344Under Special Statutes: Regardless of whether a person is dead or alive, his estate may be administered as that of an absentee, and unknown claimants thereto may be barred on strict compliance with statutes providing therefore where he has been absent from this usual place of residence and has concealed his whereabouts from his family for a prescribed number of years.Statutes…are construed to provide for the granting of administration of the estate of an absentee, rather than the estate of a decedent, and they do not repeal or supersedes statutes relations to administration of the estates of deceased persons.Such statutes must be strictly complied with, especially with reference to taking a bond from the distributees conditioned on refunding the amount received to the supposed decedent if he is in fact alive at the time of distribution; and the administrator is personally liable where, instead of taking the bond required by statute, he takes a bond indemnifying himself.Administration and Distribution: The State may provide for the administration and even for distribution of the estate of an absentee who has been absent for…such a length of time asgives rise to a reasonable presumption of 356, Process must be served on either the absentee or his representative [you can serve on an absentee? I thought he was absent?]. In the case of an absentee, the law allows a fictitious form of citation as well as service on a duly appointed representative; WAIVER: where a representative is authorized to waive citation and does so, as by filing an answer on behalf of the absentee, the waiver is effective to bring the absent defendant constructively before the court and, notwithstanding the subsequent resignation of the original representative and the appointment of another in his place, the absentee is still constructively before the court and neither service nor waiver of service of process on the new representative is necessary. [that's why they don't check your I.D. when you appear in court, because it doesn't matter - you still represent the 'absentee/presumed dead' person, and you waived the citation when you filed on the dead person’s behalf].The residence of the absentee need not be stated in the citation. [you could easily find out they don't want you if they put the wrong address]. if the citation is properly served on the representative it is immaterial whether it is addressed to him or to the person whom he represents. [they don't need your name correctly to match, they just need you to admit you are that name, that’s it!].A judgment rendered against an absentee who is not personally cited, and is represented only by an appointed representative is in the nature of a judgment in rem and not in personam. page 358.SECTION 6a UNDER GENERAL STATUTES, The estates of an absentee may and should be administered and distributed under general laws relating to the administration of the estates of deceased persons, where his death can be satisfactorily proved, but not where he is in fact alive. The estate of a person presumed to be dead, but in fact alive, cannot be administered and disposed of as an escheated estate.SECTION 6b UNDER SPECIAL STATUES, Regardless of whether a person is dead or alive, his estate may be administered as that of an absentee…such statutes are for the specific purpose of construing to provide for the granting of administration on the estate of a decedent, and they do not repeal or supersede statutes relating to administration of the estates of deceased persons.[FORECLOSURES = BEING ABSENT??]SECTION 14, page 355, Representatives in Executory Process.An attorney appointed, under statutory authority, in foreclosure proceedings by executory process where in it is alleged that the mortgagor is absent, represents, for purposes of foreclosure only, the mortgagor if he is living or his heirs if he is dead. Mere informalities in the appointment and proceedings subsequent thereto are not fatal….to justify the appointment, defendant in the executory process must be in fact an absentee; and it has been held that plaintiff should be ready to prove defendant's absence [that's why they need your name in court to prove you are dead, because the executor needs to be alive? The judge wears black because he is judging the dead, or shall we say, "absentee/presumed dead"] or other sufficient cause for the appointment. However, the absence of the mortgagor need not be shown by authentic evidence; a mere allegation of absence authorizes the court to make the appointment.Although an attorney at law must be appointed, the designation of the appointee as representative instead of attorney will not vitiate the proceedings is he is actually a member of the bar, it being nothing more than an informality and not an absolute nullity. The attorney appointed represents the absent mortgagor, if he is living, and is heirs, if he is dead. He is not required to notify or communicate with either the mortgagor or the heirs, as the case may 356, SECTION 15, JURISDICTION, Where a trustee's bill asks for distribution of the trust estate in view of the cestui que trust's long absence, the court has jurisdiction of the trust property, and may close the trust estate.PROCESS: process must be served on either the absentee or his representative. In the case of an absentee, the law allows a fictitious…BOOK 25, SECTION 25, page 37 CURATOR: A term of the civil law use to denote a person who is appointed to take care of anything for another. It is stated in Guardian & Ward Sec 3 that in the civil law a guardian is termed a curator where his guardianship relates merely to the estate. A person appointed to represent an absentee against whom an action has been instituted is sometimes called a curator ad hoc, or a curator ad litem, see Absentees Sec 9.WILLS BOOK 96SECTION 1077, page 748, Of PARTICULAR LOCAL COURTS, Jurisdiction to construe wills may reside in any local court which possesses general equity powers…either by virtue of statues or organic law. [county/state probate?]An action for the construction of a will not be entertained where no necessity for a judicial construction thereof appears; and the court cannot acquire jurisdiction to construe a will by allegations that a question requiring construction exists when the record shows that there is no such question….equity will not assume jurisdiction of a bill for the construction of a will where the language is clear,unambiguous and not open to doubt…[did the mother express any doubt to the hospital attendant, probate, registrar in the period of time she had the baby as to the 'slightest intentions' of a will? If there is no doubt expressed then the law says there is an implied will.]SECTION 1082, at common law the executor or a deceased executor succeeded as the executor of the will of the first testator. Where the rule prevails, an executor of an executor may sue for the construction of a will for which his testator was the executor. However, the doctrine has not been followed in most jurisdictions, and an executor of an executor cannot maintain a bill for the construction of a will of which his testator was executor, or executor andlegatee, because he does not succeed to the fiduciary position of his testator. [does this indicate the power of the first executor exceeds the power of the second?]CONSTITUTION BOOK 16DSECTION 1421. Estates of Absentees and Persons Presumed to Be Dead. Under the constitutional guaranties against the taking or deprivation of property without due process of law, a probate court has no power under its general authority to administer the property of a person who is alive. However, a status conferring power on courts to regulate and to administer the states of absentees, presumptively dead, is valid, where the procedure satisfies constitutional requirements, as where provision is made for giving proper notice of the proceeding and adequate safeguards are provided to protect the absentee's interests in case of his reappearance, as by proving for the preservation of the estate for a reasonable period before permitting distribution to the heirs.PRIVATE DWELLINGBook 28, page 605, Private Dwelling A private house, one intended for private living, a place or house in which a person or family lives in an individual or private state. [did they just say "private state"? or e-state?] page 951,SECTION 46, Intermeddling with Estate. A technical intermeddling with the estate does not per se disqualify one from becoming administrator, but material intermeddling may do so.EASEMENT Book 28 Sec 8 page 644-650The presumption of an easement arises only where the person against whom the right is claimed could have lawfully interrupted or prevented the exercise of the supported right. [What? First presumption of death, now presumption of easement - HAVE YOU NOTICED THERE’S A LOT OF PRESUMING GOING ON IN THESE LAWS?]page 638, an easement ordinarily may be created only by deed or by prescription….which presupposes a grant (albeit a lost grant), …and may be created by agreement express or implied.Property Subject to Prescription: an easement may be acquired in a homestead as in other property.An easement may be created by agreement express or implied, operation of law. page 686, section 30: Easements may be implied in favor of a grantor or grantee. Such implications can only be made in connection with a conveyance [baby footprints?]. In view of the rule that a convenience is to be construed against the grantor, the court will imply an easement in favor of the grantee [county/state?] more easily than it will imply an easement in favor of the grantor [new born baby?].page 624, section 1, Servitude is the civil law term for easement in the common law, and the two terms are often used indiscriminately. Quasi-easement equitable easement .There may arise where the dominant and servient estates are severed after having been unified; and the use by the owner of one part of his land for the benefit of another part, is spoken of as a quasi easement, and the land benefited is referred to as the quasi-dominant tenement, and the part utilized for the benefit of the land benefited is referred to as the quasiservient tenement. A charge or burden resting on one estate for the benefit or advantage ofanother. It is a charge or encumbrance which follows the land, and is indivisible. Real servitude in the civil law, is a right which one estate or piece of land owes to another estate. [it's a legal trespass or nuisance].Easement may be acquired by prescription [IT MEANS THEY GET IT IF YOU DON’T STOP IT] as against both the trustee and the trust.Easements may be acquired by anyone and by anyone by 648, A substantial interruption during the period of adverse use is fatal to the claim…Interruptions of the use of an easement when brought to the knowledge of claimant rebut the presumption of a grant, unless such interruptions are promptly contested by claimant and the easement reasserted. [monthly bank statements, or monthly bills? Do we need to rebut presumptive estate easements found in them?]An easement cannot arise byprescription if the owner of the servient estate has habitually broken and interrupted the uses at will or denied the right and threatened to put an end to the use and enjoyment of it, for it cannot be said that the owner has acquiesced in a right which has been exercised against hisprotest.An interruption or breach of continuity of the use, sufficient to stop the running of the prescription period, ordinarily, occurs only where there is a physical interruption or some unequivocal act of ownership on the part of the owner of the servient tenement, or of one in privity with him. [when the executor shows up and says stop?]page 651, Admission of Superior Right in Landowner: An admission, by the claimant of an easement, of a superior right in the owner of the servient tenement, is fatal to the claim. [the bank cannot admit they take your OID or it's fatal to their easement on the estate? They CAN’T ask for permission either because that would void it too. You must rebut/protest their easement.]page 652, Easement must be adverse to servient tenement [estate], To be adverse, the use must be under a claim of right inconsistent with, or contrary to, the interest of the owner [executor/estate], and of such character that it is difficult or impossible to account for it except on the presumption of a grant. [so it's lawful to take from the estate by presumption that it was granted, no records needed?] page 660, section 16, inasmuch as the acquisition of aneasement by adverse use follows the analogy of the acquisition of the title by adverse possession…section 17, page 662, What Easements Created? Unless there is some statutory provision to the contrary, all easements which may be acquired by grant may also be acquired by prescription. [they get assumed easement as bona fide as if you granted it to them voluntarily?].IS THIS WHAT WE SHOULD BE TELLING BANKS/BAR:["...and you are denied grant of prescriptive easement on the Estate." "Any presumption of presumptive grant of easement on the Estate is hereby rebutted and estopped.""You are estopped from grant of prescriptive easement and presumption of dominant servient tenement of the Estate.""This office renounces any and all claim by your office of adverse right of easement of the estate.""You are hereby noticed of your presumptive adverse right of prescriptive easement and denied any right of grant of conveyance of easement on the Estate."…and you are noticed of the extinguishment by release to the owner of the servient estate....and by accession all interest be returned to the Estate. You are hereby noticed of your presumption of adverse right of prescriptive easement and retroactively denied any right of grant of conveyance of easement and material intermeddling with the Estate."]page 720, SECTION 57. MERGER: When an estate in fee and an easement in the estate are acquired by the same person, the easement is extinguished by merger or confusion…all subordinate and inferior derivative rights are necessarily merged and lost in his higher right. [is this where the executor lawfully claims the easement with a single dollar bill as lawful money against a fiction/legal entity/easement as to unify his estate?]EXECUTORS & ADMINISTRATORS Book 34SECTION 367, page 94 Rights of creditors in estate vest at time of decedent's death…Under some probate acts the word claims has reference only to such debts or demands against decedent as might have been enforced against him his lifetime by personal actions for the recovery of money, and on which only a money judgment could have been rendered.SECTION 380 TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. The estate of a decedent is not fully administered and there can be no valid final settlement of the administrator until all demands growing out of the assessment of taxes against the estate have been paid or provided for…SECTION 388 EXPENSES OF ADMINISTRATION The legitimate expenses of administration are to be met out of the assets of the estate, but the proper mode of doing this is for the representative to make the necessary disbursements, for which he will be allowed credit in his accounts, rather than by allowing such expenses as a direct charge against the estate, as the expenses of administration are not usually considered debts of decedent. SECTION 390 Validclaims of an executor or administrator against the estate he is administering will be allowed.SECTION 418 In general, unless required by statute, a claim against a decedent's estate need not, as a rule, be verified…unless the representative requests him to do so, and a want of verification may, of course, be waived….WHAT CLAIMS MUST BE VERIFIED…The requirement that claims against a decedent's estate must be verified generally applies to all claims or demands which are payable out of the assets of the estate.SECTION 428 No claims are recognized against a dead man's estate except such as have been allowed by the probate court or established by some other court of competent jurisdiction, and duly classified by the probate court.SECTION 457 PRIORITIES AND PAYMENT (of Debts). One the most important duties of the personal representative is the payment of debts which have been legally established against the estate in their order. SECTION 460 AT COMMON LAW …the proper expenses of the funeral and of proving the will, if one existed, had priority over all debts, and this priority hasnot been taken away by modern statues….apart from these expenses the debts of decedent were, under the common-law system, divided into three main classes: 1) debts of record or by specialty due to the Crown.2) debts by record such as final judgments rendered against decedent in his lifetime, final decrees of a court of equity being on the same footing.3) debts due on bonds when founded on consideration.4) debts due by simple contract. SECTION 461 The common law of England giving preference to debts due the Crown has, in some states, been declared to be in force so as to give priority over the claims of citizens….[does the executor summon Treasury to provide a final statement of account in order that the estate can settle the debts due the Crown, etc – with one lawful dollar?]SECTION 514 JURISDICTION. Jurisdiction of proceedings for the distribution of a decedent's estate is usually vested the probate court although under certain circumstances a court of equity may take jurisdiction….but such courts (of equity) will not usually take jurisdiction unless the probate court cannot afford adequate relief. COUNTY OF DOMICILE The probate court of the county in which decedent was domiciled was the proper tribunal to determine distribution.SECTION 515, WHO MAY INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS (against estate) AND CONDITIONS PRECEDENT. Any person beneficially interested in the estate has the right to institute proceedings…LOSS OF RIGHT. The right to seek an order of distribution may be lost by abandonment. SECTION 528 Only an interested person may bring a suit or proceeding…toobtain relief against, … a decedent's estate may be brought by, and only by, an interestedperson. [is the IRS expanding it's definition of "person" to included corporations so that the BAR/Banks can legally act against estates?]SECTION 539 EXISTENCE AND VALIDITY OF DEBTS In order to authorize a sale of decedent's land to pay debts, the existence of valid and legally enforceable debts of the state must be shown. A sale should not be ordered where the alleged debts are fraudulent,…contested and doubtful.ESTATE BOOK 31SECTION 1, Definition: the word estate may mean property, and may signify and species of property, real or personal. While the terms estate and property are often used synonymously, it has also been held that the word estate has equally as broad, if not a broader, meaning than property. (See CJS WILLS SECTION 759). SECTION 2, In its primary and technical sense, estate refers only to an interest in land; but, in its wider import it applies to all kinds of property, personal or real.SECTION 7, Equitable estates are in equity where legal estates are in law.…where an estate is created by deed see CJS DEEDS section 123, TRUSTS 186, WILLS 870.SECTION 5, estates or interest are also classified as vested or contingent, and as legal or equitable. An interest in property may be vested, executory, or contingent. Executory interest is a general term, comprising all future estates and interests in land or personalty….An estate is vested when there is an immediate right of present enjoyment or a present fixed right of future enjoyment; and estate either present or future, the title to which has become established in some person or persons and is no longer subject to any contingency, including all estates which are not contingent SECTION 32, A life estate may be created to be enjoyed without the intervention of a trustee. [is that because an executor has not yet appointed any trustee, nor need not?]SECTION 33, a life estate is alienable. [is this related to "prescriptive grant of easement"? or, is it telling us that the Crown has a lawful debt against all vested life estates?]SECTION 36, Present Value of Life Estate: In determining the present value of a life estate the English rule was to consider an estate for life as equal in value to one third of the whole, and this rule has been adopted in some of the cases in this country. The general rule, however, is to calculate the value arcncdiog to the probable duration of the life estate, based on the tables of life expectancy the life estate is to be valued arcncdiog to the mortality tables as of the date the life estate is created or becomes effective, regardless of the fact that before valuation has been made, even short of the period of expectancy, the life tenant may have died. [is this the bond on the birth certificate being traded arcncdiog to life expectancy tables?]SECTION 3, Statutory Provisions: Matters relating to estates are regulated and controlled by some statutes [only some? Because they really do not have jurisdiction at all?], and where such statutory restrictions exist, only such estates may exist as are permitted by law…and where such statutes are in derogation of the common law they must be strictly construed. [sounds like state statue barely has any control if the statues must be strictly construed. What if all state statute is in derogation of common law?]page 17, note 18, The policy of the law is to stabilize land titles and to favor vested estates. SECTION 31, Conventional life estates are created by the acts of the parties and are governed by the terms of their creating instruments [mother’s new born: what did the Informant grant at the hospital, her signature?], except as thereby modified, the ordinary incidents of conventional and legal life estates are the same.SECTION 32 Life estates may be created by express words or by implication…but no particular words are necessary for their establishment….[theycan be created] by implication or judicial construction. No particular words are required or are necessary to create a life estate. A life estate may be created not only by an express limitation to that effect but by a general grant without defining any specific interest or estate, as where a grant is made to a man, or to a man and his assigns, without any limitation in point of time….A grant of the right to possession of the property is necessary to create a life estate for the reason that the right to possession is one of the essential elements in the creation of such anestate. [birth certificate? Is that your possession of the legal title of the estate?] Estate and equity are not synonymous terms either in meaning or substance.[My humble conclusion from just the above: because you have not expressed a change of domicile from when you were an infant to either Treasury/Registrar/County/State/etc you are deemed “absentee” and therefore “presumed dead” and when the executor finally does notify the appropriate entities of his new domicile he can go around and collect the bonds as payment from the various intermeddlers for when the systempresumed grant of easement on the estate and administered in the absence of the executor because he is now in fact “found alive” because he is no longer just a “merely, merely dead” absentee].
Hi! I'm Alejandra from The Marshmallow Studio (I follow you on FB)I'm know our date would be a good one since we have soo much in cmmoon Hey, I'm in SD too (Eastlake, Chula Vista) and have an almost 2 year old Let's get together and talk about confections LOL My cell is 702-428-1755. Hope to meet you soon.-Ale
Wonderful story, reckoned we could cibnome some unrelated data, nonetheless definitely worth taking a appear, whoa did one master about Mid East has got a lot more problerms too
You do realize that would be a fnoley ( which the bank can't help you with ) .Are you previously experienced with jails ?Can you survive in there ?There are some very mean old ladies in there and unless you are about 250 lbs tough ,I would Not risk it .>
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