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Adaugat in data de 27-05-2008

Fortinet si Extreme Networks la

Fortinet si Extreme Networks la, magazinul virtual cu cea mai vasta oferta de produse si servicii dedicate in special companiilor, a adus in portofoliul sau, doua noi branduri de renume ale unor lideri mondiali in domeniul securitatii datelor, precum: Fortinet si Extreme Networks.


Continuarea articolului poate fi citita pe SMARTfuture, supliment IT&C al SMARTfinancial.


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The McBride study, as I understand it, croapmes normal radiation exposure for people leaving near coal and nuclear facilities. Coal came out higher, though both were much less than the typical background dose we all may get from various sources. I think the article is very clear on those points, so I wouldn't call it misleading.Now, this fly ash spill wouldn't even come close to the radiation exposure from a Chernobyl-style nuclear accident. But given the odds of a spill like this vs. a nuclear accident, coal again comes out worse on the radioactivity comparison.Bottom line, the heavy metals, both radioactive and merely toxic, are probably going to stay in the groundwater for a long, long time. And any exposure to the sludge should be treated extremely cautiously.
praise the LORD bunger uncle. i was very much blesesd by the message. those who are in many kinds of tests are lifted by GOD's WORD and there is no need to worry because our SAVIOUR is always with us. HOLY SPIRIT is with us to guide. no need to worry because worries are nothing which can stop us. GOD bless you all day long. have a nice day in the name of our LORD and SAVIOUR YEESHU MASIH.
Hey, good to find someone who argees with me. GMTA.
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