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Adaugat in data de 04-07-2013

Cosmote Business XXS-XXL Plus portfolio - Cosmote Romania launches new business tariff plans

Cosmote Business XXS-XXL Plus portfolio - Cosmote Romania launches new business tariff plans

A business becomes stronger, more productive and more efficient when using the best communication tools, while the performance increases when the management and employees are connected with all the news related to the industry they activate in. In order to meet the business customers’ expectations, COSMOTE Romania introduced new individual tariff plans within COSMOTE Business XXS-XXL Plus portfolio which offers unlimited national calls and SMSes, national data traffic and very useful mobile applications included.

“The success of any business, no matter the industry, also relies on the communication speed and freedom between teams, partners or collaborators. Access to information can be at times vital, while optimizing costs continues to be on each company’s agenda. We are therefore focusing on the business customers, in order to provide them with up to date technology and cost effective communication in their business performance”, stated Panos Makris, Chief Commercial Officer COSMOTE Romania.

The new business tariff plans are available in two versions. The first one, comprising of XL Plus and XXL Special tariff plans, offers, at prices starting from 25 euro/month, unlimited national minutes and SMS-es, up to 150 international minutes, up to 3 GB data traffic included and, depending on the tariff plan chosen either Dolce Mobile TV application, respectively Dolce Mobile TV and Mireo Navigation powered by Cosmote applications.

The second version, from XL Optim to XXL Optim Plus, provides the business customers who don’t need to purchase a subsidized handset a large range of benefits for very attractive monthly fees – from 20 euro/month up to 60 euro/month. Thus, the new tariff plans have a wide range of benefits starting from 400 national and international Zone 1 minutes, unlimited on net minutes, on net SMS-es, Romtelecom minutes, 100 national SMS-es, 1GB data traffic, 100 MB roaming data and reach up to unlimited national and international Zone 1 minutes, unlimited on net minutes, on net SMS-es, Romtelecom minutes, and data traffic.


Moreover, business customers who chose for COSMOTE Business XXL Optim Special or COSMOTE Business XXL Optim Plus for a 12 months contract period benefit of 1 month of subscription for free. Also, those who chose for a 24 month contract benefit of 3 months of subscription for free.

COSMOTE Romania had 6.1 million customers at March 31st, 2013. Launched in 2005, COSMOTE Romania achieved the fastest network development in Europe, according to the Citigroup report in June 2007. In less than 5 years, COSMOTE Romania surpassed its competitors in terms of national network coverage. Today, COSMOTE Romania offers seamless communication to more than 99% of the population and 90% of the territory. COSMOTE Romania is a subsidiary of COSMOTE Group, the operator with the strongest presence in SE Europe with approximately 20.4 million customers in Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania. For more information, visit


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I am tempted but 24 mnhots is a long time. Also, 3 reception isn't particularly great and seems to be deteriorating in quality every day. Probably better to go on these rolling contracts and buy the handset separately, though it may work out slightly more expensive. Did the same thing to acquire the DHD.
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Great pntois, Genevieve. I've learend when you blog to temper your expectations. I've had those sweaty palms when deciding whether or not to push the publish button before and had the post be received very, very well. I've also been super pumped about a post and then, afterwards, felt like it didn't even make a tiny ripple in the vast landscape of the Internet.What it comes down to for me is, you can't blog for other people. Note, I'm not saying that you don't want to keep your audience in mind when you're writing. Let's be frank though, if you are blogging for the sole purpose of trying to impress others and drop some serious knowledge on the web, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment.For me, blogging is a way for me to more clearly think through ideas and even get input on those ideas from other people. It's been a great avenue for meeting others and even leading to collaboration on various projects. So, you shouldn't necessarily be selfish in an egotistical sense, but you should be selfish in a self-appreciation sense. Don't put yourself through that (not you as in YOU, but you as in bloggers)
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