Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) was again awarded the prestigious title of "Best Bank in CEE & CIS" by EMEA Finance magazine. The award was officially presented last night during the “European Banking Awards 2012 Ceremony” in Vienna.
In addition to the main award, RBI Head Office and several subsidiaries were awarded in seven sub-categories. The RBI Head Office in Vienna won the award for being “Best Bank” and “Best Investment Bank” in Austria. While Raiffeisen Bosnia and Herzegovina won the title “Best Bank”, the subsidiaries in Albania, Romania and Russia received the distinction “Best Foreign Bank” in their respective markets. Raiffeisen Bulgaria won the category for “Best Investment Bank”.
“The awards proof that our commitment to the region, especially during challenging times, is recognised and rewarded. Due to our diversified business model we succeeded in improving our offer to clients while achieving again very good results”, said Herbert Stepic, CEO of RBI.
Karl Sevelda, Deputy CEO of RBI and responsible for the corporate business, explained, "The awards for Austria validate our customer approach.
Our customers appreciate our tailor-made products and financial solutions. They know that they can rely on us in terms of quality and relationship.”
Klemens Breuer, Board Member responsible for Markets and Investment Banking, added, ”The most important differentiating feature between successful and less successful banks is not the strategy per se, but instead the execution and that’s where we did a good job in 2012.”
The regional award for the CEE & CIS region by EMEA Finance was awarded to RBI for the fifth consecutive time and is the second regional award received in 2013.
EMEA Finance is a bimonthly publication that reports on the major financial events and happenings initiated and influenced by the international financial industry active in Europe, Middle East, and Africa (the EMEA region). The magazine, which is headquartered in London, has a readership of more than 25,000. The EMEA Finance website (emeafinance.com) and weekly eNews reach over 100,000 EMEA-based professionals..