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Adaugat in data de 06-03-2012 |
Grupul Carrefour deschide cel de-al 48-lea supermarket din tara, in Bucuresti
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Pe 7 martie 2012, Carrefour deschide cel de-al 48-lea supermarket din tara, in Bucuresti, Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr.71-73, sector 1, Bucuresti.
Carrefour Market Caramfil se va deschide la ora 8:00. "Carrefour doreste sa fie mai aproape de clientii sai, in inima cartierelor, astfel incat continua expansiunea in Bucuresti, deschizand cel de-al 12-lea Carrefour Market din oras", spun reprezentantii companiei.
Noul Carrefour Market Caramfil isi desfasoara activitatea pe un spatiu de vanzare de aproximativ 600 m.p urmand aceeasi strategie de “preturi mici, zilnic”.
Modelul comercial se axeaza pe o gama de aproximativ 6.500 de produse, iar oferta include peste 1.000 articole marca proprie Carrefour la acelasi pret ca in hypermarket (iar la o calitate similara costa cu minim 20% mai putin, in raport cu marcile nationale).
Date cheie: Adresa: Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr.71-73, sector 1, Bucuresti; plaja orara de deschidere larga : Luni - Sambata : 08.00 – 22.00, Duminica: 08.00 – 20.00; Mijloace de transport: Autobuz 135 si 301; Suprafata de vanzare : aproximativ 600 mp; 7 case de marcat; echipa este formata din 40 profesionisti bine formati care vor raspunde cu promptitudine la solicitarile clientilor; gama de produse cuprinde aprox. 6.500 de articole.
Paleta de servicii include: apel gratuit pentru clientii Carrefour care doresc sa afle diferite informatii legate de produsele, serviciile disponibile, precum si alte informatii utile: TELVERDE 0800 0800 02, disponibil 24 de ore din 24, in fiecare zi a saptamanii; multiple modalitati de plata: cu tichete de masa sau utilizand carduri bancare, inclusiv cardul Carrefour MasterCard.
Grupul Carrefour este cel mai mare distribuitor european si cel de-al doilea la nivel mondial. Prezent in 32 de tari din lume cu peste 15.500 magazine, grupul Carrefour numara peste 475.000 de angajati.
In Romania, Grupul Carrefour numara incepand de astazi 48 de supermarketuri, 3 francize si 25 de hypermarketuri..
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Interesting that you should highhiglt the impact of global factors on the Chinese economy. Interesting how China’s growth has been so much to do with exports whilst India with low levels of export is the reverse.I would not wish to claim that T L has the solution. However, if we accept that there is a point at which a market is, in logistics terms, stable; that outlets and points of purchase exist and, that consumers can buy then, the transition to get there from either a purely local economy or, one dependent on humanitarian aid is the work of Transformatioanl Logistics. Take the situation you describe. It is likely that outside of places like Shanghai and the Pearl River Delta less developed regions to the west and north there are many issues that need addressing in order to “connect” this less developed region to the wider domestic market and then, beyond to global markets. In fact, these could be the areas that will compete with India and Vietnam far more seriously than Shanghai etc. Aftar all, with high living costs it is more likely that Shanghai will look to move up the value chain and a completely different agenda. Maybe the World Bank LPI could be completed for different regions to illustrate the variability of performance across China's 22 provinces and five autonomous regions. It is likely that this will also highhiglt differences in working conditions, wages and, in levels of skill. The same issues apply in all of the rapidly growing countries of the BRIC (Brasil, Russia, India and China) and, the next 11. None of these countries are homogenous and all of them are characterised by signifcant regional differences. For example, some regions are equipped solely for local / regional markets; others can handle a wider domestic market and, some regions are operating as Global Gateways. This variable hinterland is a key issue and an area where T L research could be valuable.
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