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Adaugat in data de 16-01-2013

Penny Market - reteaua de magazine de tip discount se repozitioneaza la inceput de an

Penny Market - reteaua de magazine de tip discount se repozitioneaza la inceput de an

“stie ce ne place” este noul slogan prin care Penny Market, reteaua de magazine de tip discount a grupului REWE România, se repozitioneaza la inceputul anului 2013, pentru a desavârsi procesul amplu de modernizare inceput in anul precedent.
Prezent in România din anul 2005, Penny Market fructifica experienta indelungata pe piata locala printr-o mai buna adaptare la preferintele si nevoile consumatorilor. Astfel, alaturi de beneficiul preturilor mici, reteaua Penny Market ofera acum românilor un sortiment echilibrat intre produsele autohtone, de la producatorii locali, si produse internationale la preturi foarte avantajoase.
Alimentele produse in România reprezinta acum peste 60% din gama de produse alimentare comercializate de Penny Market.

In plus, clientii Penny câstiga mai mult timp pentru ei si familie, datorita organizarii mai eficiente a magazinelor, care ofera o experienta la cumparaturi mai placuta si mai rapida ca oricând.
Noua pozitionare Penny Market este comunicata la nivel national prin spoturi TV si radio, materiale POS si pliante cu oferta saptamânala.

„Penny Market si-a propus, inca de la inceput, sa fie optiunea cea mai avantajoasa pentru cumparaturi. insa in acesti opt ani pe piata din România am fost atenti la dorintele si asteptarile consumatorilor nostri. De aceea, prin toate imbunatatirile aduse magazinelor si prin noua pozitionare, ii invitam sa descopere, acum, la Penny Market, o sortimentatie de produse conceputa special pentru români, la aceleasi preturi foarte accesibile.

De asemenea, vom continua modernizarea si expansiunea retelei si in 2013, pentru a oferi cât mai multor consumatori o experienta placuta si accesibila la cumparaturi”, a declarat Günter Becker, CEO REWE România.

In 2012, magazinele Penny Market au trecut printr-un amplu proces de modernizare si remodelare, proces care va continua si in acest an. Noul design, având la baza conceptul „Penny Ambiente”, creeaza spatii mai bine organizate, cu o atmosfera mai calda si este completat de un personal prompt si amabil, dar si de o gama noua de garantii, ce raspund nevoilor diversificate ale consumatorilor. Printre avantajele garantate de Penny se numara calitatea produselor, prospetimea, rapiditatea la cumparaturi si avantajul celui mai mic pret, toate garantate prin vouchere compensatorii in valoare de 5 lei sau prin posibilitatea returnarii produselor.

Oferta imbunatatita a magazinelor Penny Market include si noul raion de brutarie, unde sunt nelipsite pâinea si produsele de patiserie calde, proaspat scoase din cuptor. in timp ce gama de produse alimentare ofera avantajul prospetimii, gama de produse nealimentare beneficiaza de un program saptamânal de oferte tematice, pentru articole practice cum sunt cele de uz casnic, textile, electrocasnice, papetarie sau articole de joaca si de sezon.

Principiul Penny Market se bazeaza pe achizitionarea de produse autohtone, ponderea cea mai mare in sortiment având-o produsele alimentare. Totodata, clientii beneficiaza de o gama extinsa de marci proprii Penny Market, ce contine produse de calitate superioara, atât nationale, cât si internationale, la preturi foarte avantajoase.

Dezvoltarea calitativa a fost dublata de o crestere a retelei Penny Market, care la sfârsitul anului 2012 numara 136 de magazine in toata tara. La nivel national, Rewe România a creat, pâna in prezent, peste 2.800 de locuri de munca.

Penny Market este conceptul de succes al grupului german REWE si unul din cei mai activi retaileri din România. Grupul REWE se numara printre liderii europeni in comertul alimentar, fiind prezent si in Germania, Austria, Italia, Ucraina, Ungaria, Rusia, Cehia si Bulgaria.


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, was roughly twice as long. I cut it off to its cuenrrt length using a cutting wheel and a Dremel Moto-Tool and then ground it smooth so that there were no sharp edges.This last kind of hackamore has had a very positive effect on Max because the torquing action causes him to flex at his poll. With this hackamore, Max will frame-up like a dessage horse. So I am very glad that I made the change.I am going into all of this, because I think it is quite possible that the hackamore may be very effective for you. The only way to know for sure is to run the experiemnt. Obviously, if one can remove the source of the horse's issues (because of past trauma), one is much, much better off. However, I would be a bit careful about it and would not just slap an English hackamore on your horse as it will probably be too severe. I know from your question that you are very experienced, but as others may read this as well I want to emphasize that caution and good sense is in order.I don't know if you have ridden using a hackamore much before, so I will briefly describe it. For me, riding in the hackamore is no different than riding using a bit. I use the hackamore in exactly the same way I use the bit. Feathering (repeatedly squeezing the rein like squeezing a sponge) against stiffness is the same, indirect rein if the same, half halts are the same, teaching your horse to seek contact is the same, etc. I had thought that the hackamore would be very different and that I would have trouble teaching Max to bend correctly in circles and so on. This has not been the case. For the horse, the logic of the hackamore seems to parallel the logic of the bit. Overall, I have been amazed at how little difference there is.At this point, it might well be possible for us to re-bit Max. Max is a very, very different horse now than he was when I began reschooling him. We have thought about re-bitting Max because it might be interesting to try to do some beginning eventing on him, and you have to have a bit for the dressage. But right now, we are busy enough doing pony jumpers that we have not gotten around to it. Also, Max goes so very well in the hackamore and the hackamore operates so much like a bit that there seems to be little point in trying to go back to the bit.When we switched Max to the hackamore, we did it on the lunge line. I was riding and Laura was in the center of the circle with the line. As I remember, I think I left the bit (a rubber snaffle) in his mouth (on a headstall) but completely inactive for a month or two after starting to use the side-pull. The conclusion was that it was pressure on the bit rather than the bit itself that was causing him to flip out. Because we were re-schooling a horse that had done a very dangerous thing, we worked on the lunge line for 2 or 3 months (I forget now) before I rode him off of the lunge. I forget when I actually got rid of the bit completely (instead of just letting it hang inactive in his mouth), but it was early on. I have not had a bit in his mouth since, which is probably about 5 years now.In any case, if I were to change a horse over to a hackamore today, I think I would start on the lunge line just to be safe, especially if the horse was at all hot or if I was unsure of how the horse might react. Incidentally, with Max, the transition to the hackamore went very fast. As I say, the logic for the horse of the hackamore is essentially the same as for a bit, so it is not like the horse has to learn everything, or for that matter, anything, from scratch. In just a few sessions (meaning 2 or 3), you should be completely switched over.Based on your question, I have a few ideas that might be worth experimenting with with regard to your use of poles in jumping. But I am out of time right now. I will try to follow up in a day or two.Also, I would be very interested in any follow-up questions or hearing about your experiences.Regards,George Easton
, was roughly twice as long. I cut it off to its cuenrrt length using a cutting wheel and a Dremel Moto-Tool and then ground it smooth so that there were no sharp edges.This last kind of hackamore has had a very positive effect on Max because the torquing action causes him to flex at his poll. With this hackamore, Max will frame-up like a dessage horse. So I am very glad that I made the change.I am going into all of this, because I think it is quite possible that the hackamore may be very effective for you. The only way to know for sure is to run the experiemnt. Obviously, if one can remove the source of the horse's issues (because of past trauma), one is much, much better off. However, I would be a bit careful about it and would not just slap an English hackamore on your horse as it will probably be too severe. I know from your question that you are very experienced, but as others may read this as well I want to emphasize that caution and good sense is in order.I don't know if you have ridden using a hackamore much before, so I will briefly describe it. For me, riding in the hackamore is no different than riding using a bit. I use the hackamore in exactly the same way I use the bit. Feathering (repeatedly squeezing the rein like squeezing a sponge) against stiffness is the same, indirect rein if the same, half halts are the same, teaching your horse to seek contact is the same, etc. I had thought that the hackamore would be very different and that I would have trouble teaching Max to bend correctly in circles and so on. This has not been the case. For the horse, the logic of the hackamore seems to parallel the logic of the bit. Overall, I have been amazed at how little difference there is.At this point, it might well be possible for us to re-bit Max. Max is a very, very different horse now than he was when I began reschooling him. We have thought about re-bitting Max because it might be interesting to try to do some beginning eventing on him, and you have to have a bit for the dressage. But right now, we are busy enough doing pony jumpers that we have not gotten around to it. Also, Max goes so very well in the hackamore and the hackamore operates so much like a bit that there seems to be little point in trying to go back to the bit.When we switched Max to the hackamore, we did it on the lunge line. I was riding and Laura was in the center of the circle with the line. As I remember, I think I left the bit (a rubber snaffle) in his mouth (on a headstall) but completely inactive for a month or two after starting to use the side-pull. The conclusion was that it was pressure on the bit rather than the bit itself that was causing him to flip out. Because we were re-schooling a horse that had done a very dangerous thing, we worked on the lunge line for 2 or 3 months (I forget now) before I rode him off of the lunge. I forget when I actually got rid of the bit completely (instead of just letting it hang inactive in his mouth), but it was early on. I have not had a bit in his mouth since, which is probably about 5 years now.In any case, if I were to change a horse over to a hackamore today, I think I would start on the lunge line just to be safe, especially if the horse was at all hot or if I was unsure of how the horse might react. Incidentally, with Max, the transition to the hackamore went very fast. As I say, the logic for the horse of the hackamore is essentially the same as for a bit, so it is not like the horse has to learn everything, or for that matter, anything, from scratch. In just a few sessions (meaning 2 or 3), you should be completely switched over.Based on your question, I have a few ideas that might be worth experimenting with with regard to your use of poles in jumping. But I am out of time right now. I will try to follow up in a day or two.Also, I would be very interested in any follow-up questions or hearing about your experiences.Regards,George Easton
This is sooooo funny,still gets to the point.You are an aweomse person and I have so much respect for you. At least you are honest. GOD bless you.
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