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Adaugat in data de 15-03-2012

PHD a lansat Mini P`Zone - pizza in forma de sandwich

PHD a lansat Mini P`Zone - pizza in forma de sandwich Incepand cu 29 februarie 2012, s-a lansat si in Romania produsul Mini P`Zone, un produs international de succes.

Mini P’Zone este mini-varianta produsului de success P’Zone, prima pizza in forma de sandwich lansata de PHD in august 2011. Produsul este disponibil in toate locatiile PHD din Bucuresti, cu un pret de doar 6,9 lei.

"Gustoasa, pufoasa, aromata si consistenta, Mini P’Zone este cea mai la indemana alegere pentru iubitorii de pizza, fie ca vor sa savureze ceva delicios in drum spre serviciu sau facultate, fie ca se afla la o petrecere cu prietenii, fie pur si simplu ca aperitiv la orice alt produs din meniul PHD".

"Mini P’Zone, cea mai buna pizza intr-un sandwich, este oferita de PHD in doua variante apetisante: Meat Lovers si Cheese Lovers. Originalitatea acestei retete a fost apreciata de clientii PHD de pe intreg mapamondul, iar din luna februarie fiind disponibila si pentru fanii din Romania", spun oficialii companiei.

De la intrarea pe piata din Romania, din decembrie 2007, PHD a cunoscut un trend mereu ascendent, surprinzandu-si in permanenta clientii cu produse noi si foarte apreciate.

In plus, succesul PHD este dator atat conceptului unic in Romania de "Pizza livrata fierbinte", cat si mecanismelor care permit respectarea promisiunilor privind timpul de livrare, precum si ofertelor speciale periodice..

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soal ro avaz mikonam, chon tarijh midam ba kasi ke dar chenin sharayeti bashe addi raftar konam va hich harfi darbareye bimarish nazanam. be in soal javab midam ke agar khodam in sharayet ro dashtam chi kar mikardam; 3 ro entekhab mikardam.
Specialy for those who worry about the fact that recruters do not wanser/ignore/whatever.Be prepared for a long process. As any big company recruters they get a LOT of mails/requests. They try to wanser on time but have do a check are you suitable for this dept positions, if not - are there suitable positions in other departments. It takes time (not a few hours and even not a few days).In my case I've got a phone interview invitation 1 month later the moment I've sent a resume.They have setup an interview session before telling you the date.At the end of the phone interview I've asked interviewer about his impression. He told - I'll invite you for in-person interview in Moscow.Real invitation was received 2 months later. They need to schedule a tour for the group of interviewers before inviting you. Anyway you will have at least a month to be prepared.After in-person interview they wanser within 2-3 weeks (shorter if you does not meet criteria, longer if you meet).After the moment of accepting the offer it all depends on your docs readiness and H1-B cap. Year cap is opened at April 1 and currently are closed at December.You may enter US after October 1 (beginning of a fiscal year). So if you've got H1-b in May you have to wait till October. If you've got in November you may enter immediatelly.In your relocation MS cares about all major things and helps a lot. Just do not hesitate to tell what kind of help you need and be in touch with relocation specialist.-- TimPS: Sorry I do not have russian keyboard here yet.
Specialy for those who worry about the fact that recruters do not wasner/ignore/whatever.Be prepared for a long process. As any big company recruters they get a LOT of mails/requests. They try to wasner on time but have do a check are you suitable for this dept positions, if not - are there suitable positions in other departments. It takes time (not a few hours and even not a few days).In my case I've got a phone interview invitation 1 month later the moment I've sent a resume.They have setup an interview session before telling you the date.At the end of the phone interview I've asked interviewer about his impression. He told - I'll invite you for in-person interview in Moscow.Real invitation was received 2 months later. They need to schedule a tour for the group of interviewers before inviting you. Anyway you will have at least a month to be prepared.After in-person interview they wasner within 2-3 weeks (shorter if you does not meet criteria, longer if you meet).After the moment of accepting the offer it all depends on your docs readiness and H1-B cap. Year cap is opened at April 1 and currently are closed at December.You may enter US after October 1 (beginning of a fiscal year). So if you've got H1-b in May you have to wait till October. If you've got in November you may enter immediatelly.In your relocation MS cares about all major things and helps a lot. Just do not hesitate to tell what kind of help you need and be in touch with relocation specialist.-- TimPS: Sorry I do not have russian keyboard here yet.
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