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Adaugat in data de 28-02-2013 |
Un nou tip de sendvis cald si crocant in meniul VIVA, la OMV
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De la 1 martie, un nou tip de sendvis va fi disponibil in statiile de distributie OMV cu restaurant VIVA din Romania. Panini, in cele doua variante, Prosciutto si Caprese, aduc putin din stilul de viata italian la VIVA. Astfel, clientii se pot rasfata cu aceste gustari calde rapide in statiile OMV.
Sendvisurile gustoase devin si mai gustoase când sunt servite calde si crocante: acesta este motivul pentru care statiile OMV au introdus in meniul VIVA sendvisurile Panini Prosciutto si Panini Caprese. Panini Prosciutto este pregatit din prosciutto delicios, rosii proaspete si branza mozzarella, invelite intr-o chifla crocanta. Alternativa vegetariana, Panini Caprese, este alcatuit din rosii, branza mozzarella si sos pesto, pentru un plus de savoare.
Cald si crocant inseamna ca fiecare sendvis Panini este proaspat preparat la grill, si nu copt la cuptor, astfel incat clientii VIVA sa se poata bucura de sendvisul lor Panini in cel mai scurt timp posibil. Ca toate sendvisurile din meniul VIVA, Panini poate fi consumat fie pe loc, fie luat la pachet.
„Gustarile calde care pot fi consumate la drum sunt foarte populare printre soferi. Introducand Panini in toate statiile noastre OMV cu VIVA ne adaptam preferintelor clientilor nostri”, spune Dragos Ivan, Marketing & Training Manager, OMV Petrom Marketing.
VIVA ofera clientilor momente speciale de placere culinara – pentru fiecare gust si ocazie. Este de la sine inteles ca toate gustarile VIVA sunt proaspat preparate pe parcursul zilei, astfel incat sa raspunda celor mai exigente criterii in privinta calitatii. .
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Interesting collection of news, Stuart.I agree, the cniomg months will probably once and for all settle the debate, although in my mind it was clear already in 2008, whether the much-touted 'spare capacity' of the Saudis is a reality or a poorly conceived hoax.Personally, I think they will probably ask for as much external help as they can so to alliviate any pressure to perform.Better keep the illusion going.Sooner or later, though, a new situation like this will arise anew with a similar circumstance if they somehow keep the crowd under the spell for a few crucial longer moments, and that new situation will likely come much sooner than they are comfortable with. With current trends, entirely possible that it will happen this year. Perhaps even in their own country(although I doubt it, they are too important. The West won't allow it).They probably have around 2.5-3 mb/d due to the crash in '08. But if they need to compensate Libya's share then that will shrink to dismal levels.Remember, in '08 they had less than 2 mb/d in spare capacity and were completely unwilling to use it. Probably because they know not much time would be gained and the result would be for all to see the Emperor without clothes.Well, we may now be close to that situation. If they have, say, 2.5 mb/d, then that will shrink to a mere 1 mb/d. Lower than they had in 08. Will they do it?All eyes on the Saudis.
marzo 27, 2012 tengo un iphone 3G ladeirbo y lo uso con orange. Algunas veces pierde la sef1al de red y lo que hago es usar el truco de ponerloen modo avif3n, desactivarlo. volverlo a activar y camibiar luego el modo avif3n al normal, conlo cual el iphone busca la red propia. Hasta el momento me ha funcionado pero hoy, no hay manera no consigue encontrar la red orange. la palabra buscando solo se mantiene 1 segundo. llevo todo el dia sin telef e incomunicado. Que puedo hacer? el problema es del iphone o de orange? he puesto un sim movistar y tampoco ncuentra la red.Que debo hacer. Puede que este9 mal ladeirbo ayuda por favor.
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