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Adaugat in data de 07-04-2010 |
Burger King si ICON Advertising lanseaza Festivalul XL
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Burger King a lansat XL Festival, prin care au fost lansate trei produse noi: Crunchy Cajun XL, Chili Cheese XL si Big King XL. In afara dimensiunilor, fiecare sandwich are personalitatea lui, conturata distinct si capabila sa satisfaca cele mai diverse gusturi.
Avand un obiectiv de comunicare bine definit, campania informeaza potentialii consumatori ca la Burger King ai parte acum de trei noi sortimente „XL” de burgeri deliciosi. Vizualul campaniei transmite intr-un mod clar si ademenitor marimea uriasa a burgerilor.
Campania se adreseaza tuturor clientilor care iubesc gustul adevarat al burgerilor preparati pe gratar si vor sa incerce preparate speciale. Cele trei produse sunt promovate In-store prin materiale POSM si online.
Burger King a deschis primul restaurant din Romania in aprilie 2008, in Baneasa Shopping City, sub sloganul „Have it your way”. De atunci, au mai fost deschise inca sase restaurante in Bucureşti si unul in Constanta.
ICON Advertising colaboreaza cu Burger King din octombrie 2008, asigurand servicii integrate de comunicare ATL si BTL pentru brand.
Echipa care a lucrat la realizarea acestui proiect a fost formata din: Monica Eftimie – Director Marketing din partea Burger King; Dorin Ionescu- Director Creatie, Diana Miruna Minea- CSD, Mihaela Rotaru- Director Productie, Andreea Corneanu – Account Executive, Elena Tiru Copywriter si Adrian Musa- DTP din partea ICON Advertising.
ICON Advertising este o agentie de publicitate full-service infiintata in 1998 care dezvolta proiecte de comunicare la nivel national, pentru reputate branduri romanesti si internationale: Braiconf, Burger King, Franke, Goodyear, Homes 4U Consulting, MOL Romania, Onduline, Volkswagen, Porsche Finance Group, Syngenta, Vaillant Group, Xlab Solutions si Zepter Romania..
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take a look at it!
VOmO28 I really liked your post.Much thanks again. Will read on...
online business
f3ayux wow, awesome article post.Much thanks again. Cool.
link building
tDIitk Thank you ever so for you article post.Really thank you!
I volunteer at a steehlr and I've spent the last 2 days putting together posters and displays of black/ black and white cats in the hopes that people won't overlook them.People literally say stuff like I don't mind taking an oldie or one that's poorly, so long as they're not black/ black and white or Oh, this ginger kitten needs to be homed with the black kitten? Can't I take the ginger and a tabby from that other litter? No? That's a shame; we'll have to go home and think about it. It had never even occurred to me before I started at the steehlr. I don't understand it AT ALL. My family has a black cat and two black and white cats it wasn't an conscious decision, it just worked out that way. What's more they're as a rule HEALTHIER than other cats sadly gingers often have heart murmers, white cats are more likely to be deaf and what's more any cat with white on their ears is supposed to wear sun block whenever they go out in the sun, otherwise they're at high risk for skin cancer (strays that come in with white ears almost always have awful ears and often have to have them removed)If you're looking for a perfectly healthy cat why on EARTH would you place the colour of the cat over serious health issues, let alone personality!
Pin my tail and call me a dkoney, that really helped.
I'm out of league here. Too much brain power on dilpsay!
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