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Adaugat in data de 02-09-2007

Stella Artois World Draught Master - editia cu numarul 11

Stella Artois World Draught Master - editia cu numarul 11
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Stella Artois World Draught Master este singurul concurs international de servire a berii, adresat barmanilor profesionisti. Anul acesta, Lucia Raileanu de la restaurantul Bacardi din Piatra Neamt va pleca pe 24 octombrie 2007 la Leuven pentru a reprezenta Romania la faza mondiala a competitiei.

Premiul concursului mondial va fi o excursie de o saptamana pentru doua persoane, oriunde in lume. Prima competitie de acest gen a avut loc in anul 1997 si a ajuns foarte populara in randul barmanilor din Romania, care asteapta in fiecare an o noua sansa de a-si dovedi priceperea si talentul..

"Exista un singur mod corect de servire a berii la draught. Si acesta include in primul rand grija fata de consumator prin calitatea berii si apoi prin toate etapele servirii ei, care, daca sunt toate indeplinite, fac din ritualul servirii berii la draught o adevarata arta. Intr-un fel, toti participantii la acest concurs sunt castigatori pentru ca au dovedit pricepere si pasiune in a aplica cei 9 pasi in servirea corecta a berii la draught. Folosind acest ritual, ei ofera consumatorului nu numai cea mai buna bere, dar si o experienta memorabila", spune Liviu Irimia, Director Marketing InBev Romania

"Sunt 9 pasi in servirea corecta a berii la draught. Iata numai cateva exemple, spalarea, degresarea si clatirea corecta a paharului, taierea spumei cu cutitul de inox pentru eliminarea surplusului de CO2 si nu in ultimul rand, spectacolul oferit de servirea unei beri de calitate", se arata intr-un comunicat de presa citat de

InBev este singurul berar care organizeaza un concurs international de servire a berii. "Stella Artois World Draught Master Competition" face parte din programul dezvoltat de InBev - HoReCa Academy al carui principal obiectiv este dezvoltarea canalului HoReCa, prin impartasirea de bune practici si furnizarea de informatii tuturor celor implicati in derularea de servicii in acest segment de piata.

HoReCa Academy este un concept dezvoltat de InBev in toate tarile in care activeaza. Experienta dobandita de catre profesionistii InBev din toata lumea de-a lungul anilor, s-a concretizat intr-o serie de "practici de succes", care reprezinta baza programului HoReCa Academy. Implementarea acestuia are ca scop impartasirea de bune practici si furnizarea de informatii tuturor celor implicati in derularea de servicii HoReCa (Hoteluri /Restaurante/Cafenele). Chiar daca in Romania evolutia acestui tip de canal de vanzare nu a fost in ultimi ani pe masura asteptarilor, InBev gandeste strategic si doreste sa grabeasca profesionalizarea celor implicati in acest gen de afacere.

HoReCa Academy are trei directii de actiune: Dezvoltarea aptitudinilor fortei de vanzare a InBev si in special a persoanelor implicate in dezvoltarea afacerilor din canalul On Trade; Ridicarea nivelului profesional al personalului care lucreaza in baruri/cluburi/restaurante; Dezvoltarea unor parteneriate de succes intre InBev si investitorii din domeniul afacerilor HoReCa.

"Piata berii este intr-o permanenta schimbare si impune atentie si o actualizare constanta a ofertei de produse si servicii catre consumatori, de aceea HoReCa Academy nu este un proiect limitat in timp, ci este un proces continuu. Odata cu locatiile HoReCa, consumatorii devin mai sofisticati si mult mai pretentiosi in ceea ce priveste serviciile pentru care sunt dispusi sa plateasca. HoReCa Academy isi propune sa conduca acest proces de profesionalizare a factorilor implicati in livrarea de servicii de calitate, in beneficiul consumatorului, cea mai de pret valoare a InBev".

Prin programul de pregatire a barmanilor, InBev urmareste implementarea unor standarde inalte de servire a berilor sale. "Berea belgiana este cea mai buna din lume si servirea ei presupune cunoastere, experienta si rafinament". Stella Artois World Draught Master Competition este parte din programul HoReCa Academy. Competitia se adreseaza barmanilor profesionisti si ii rasplateste pe cei care se dovedesc a fi adevarati maestri in arta pregatirii paharului, a turnarii si servirii unei beri de calitate.


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Dave: The issue around sknunikg is one that really interests me. Being from Kent, I\'ve had more than my fair share of (Shepherd Neame) beer in clear glass bottles, but I\'ve never really had a problem with them being skunked.The amount people go on about the problem leads me to conclude that either: 1) I don\'t know what skunk tastes like and therefore cannot detect it, 2) I\'ve been incredibly lucky and never had a skunked bottle or 3) The problem isn\'t really that big a deal.So, I\'ve been running a little test that I plan to blog about soon. I took beer in clear glass and deliberately exposed it to a ridiculous amount of UV. I\'ve been tasting these side by side against bottles stored as I normally would and bottles that I\'ve gone to great length to protect from light.The exposed bottles taste like crap ... proving that sknunikg can be a problem and that I can detect it in beer. Both the bottles kept as normal and the protected ones have tasted fine and nothing like the exposed ones.All this is leading me to conclude that sknunikg isn\'t really that big a deal and is maybe more akin to the perceived problems with beer in cans tasting like metal. If the bottles are kept even slightly well, they\'ll be fine. You could argue that clear glass is an unnecessary risk, but it really doesn\'t take a lot to protect them. Frozen and cold chain food products for example require far more precise handling, and they almost always reach the customer in perfect condition.Like I say, I plan to write at length about this, so more soon. I\'ve just realised this sounds like a bit of an attack at you, which isn\'t the case, your comment just triggered me to post.
high quality backlinks
qwwuKp Thanks a lot for the post. Much obliged.
high quality backlinks
GH0fdf Major thankies for the post. Awesome.
Dave: The issue around snkiunkg is one that really interests me. Being from Kent, I've had more than my fair share of (Shepherd Neame) beer in clear glass bottles, but I've never really had a problem with them being skunked.The amount people go on about the problem leads me to conclude that either: 1) I don't know what skunk tastes like and therefore cannot detect it, 2) I've been incredibly lucky and never had a skunked bottle or 3) The problem isn't really that big a deal.So, I've been running a little test that I plan to blog about soon. I took beer in clear glass and deliberately exposed it to a ridiculous amount of UV. I've been tasting these side by side against bottles stored as I normally would and bottles that I've gone to great length to protect from light.The exposed bottles taste like crap ... proving that snkiunkg can be a problem and that I can detect it in beer. Both the bottles kept as normal and the protected ones have tasted fine and nothing like the exposed ones.All this is leading me to conclude that snkiunkg isn't really that big a deal and is maybe more akin to the perceived problems with beer in cans tasting like metal. If the bottles are kept even slightly well, they'll be fine. You could argue that clear glass is an unnecessary risk, but it really doesn't take a lot to protect them. Frozen and cold chain food products for example require far more precise handling, and they almost always reach the customer in perfect condition.Like I say, I plan to write at length about this, so more soon. I've just realised this sounds like a bit of an attack at you, which isn't the case, your comment just triggered me to post.
Dave: The issue around snukking is one that really interests me. Being from Kent, I've had more than my fair share of (Shepherd Neame) beer in clear glass bottles, but I've never really had a problem with them being skunked.The amount people go on about the problem leads me to conclude that either: 1) I don't know what skunk tastes like and therefore cannot detect it, 2) I've been incredibly lucky and never had a skunked bottle or 3) The problem isn't really that big a deal.So, I've been running a little test that I plan to blog about soon. I took beer in clear glass and deliberately exposed it to a ridiculous amount of UV. I've been tasting these side by side against bottles stored as I normally would and bottles that I've gone to great length to protect from light.The exposed bottles taste like crap ... proving that snukking can be a problem and that I can detect it in beer. Both the bottles kept as normal and the protected ones have tasted fine and nothing like the exposed ones.All this is leading me to conclude that snukking isn't really that big a deal and is maybe more akin to the perceived problems with beer in cans tasting like metal. If the bottles are kept even slightly well, they'll be fine. You could argue that clear glass is an unnecessary risk, but it really doesn't take a lot to protect them. Frozen and cold chain food products for example require far more precise handling, and they almost always reach the customer in perfect condition.Like I say, I plan to write at length about this, so more soon. I've just realised this sounds like a bit of an attack at you, which isn't the case, your comment just triggered me to post.
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