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Adaugat in data de 21-08-2013

Marketing for Men, editia I - primul eveniment din Romania dedicat exclusiv targetului masculin

 Marketing for Men, editia I - primul eveniment din Romania dedicat exclusiv targetului masculin
Desi toata lumea crede ca urasc cumparaturile si ca vad shopping-ul doar ca pe o experienta functionala pe care vor sa o termine cat mai repede, barbatii sunt un target important in comunicarea comerciala a brand-urilor. Si, chiar daca nu le place, chiar si ei ajung in fata rafturilor.
Pentru a afla in detaliu care sunt particularitatile consumatorului de sex masculin din Romania, SMARK KnowHow organizeaza pe 12 si 13 septembrie 2013 prima editie a conferintei Marketing for Men – primul eveniment din Romania dedicat exclusiv targetului masculin. 
"Pentru a acoperi cat mai divers aceasta tema, invitam specialistii in marketing, research si publicitate sa trimita propuneri de subiecte si prezentari pe adresa ioana @ pana la data de 28 august 2013", spun organizatorii evenimentului.
Cele mai interesante propuneri trimise vor fi introduse in programul conferintei Marketing for Men 2013. In cadrul procesului de selectie vor avea prioritate propunerile care abordeaza oricare dintre urmatoarele teme:
- Portretul consumatorului barbat din Romania de azi: atitudini, comportamente de consum, trend-uri;
- Felul in care se raporteaza barbatii la cumparaturi;
- Consumul de media si canalele cu cele mai bune rezultate;
- Influenceri, ambasadori de brand, celebrity endorsement si product placement in comunicarea cu target-ul masculin; 
- Influenta asupra deciziei de cumparare si gestionarea bugetului gospodariei;
- Abordari ale diferitelor taget-uri masculine: adolescenti / business men / tatici / gameri;
- Best practice: campanii de comunicare cu rezultate spectaculoase si modalitati de integrare a insight-urilor in construirea unor strategii de comunicare de succes – cu focus pe industriile de FMCG (categoria bere), auto si IT.
Propunerile de noi subiecte sunt incurajate in masura in care acestea se afla in aria de interes a evenimentului.
SMARK KnowHow reprezinta seria de evenimente de marketing organizate pe diferite teme de interes pentru marketeri, care acopera o gama larga de preocupari din aria lor de responsabilitate.
Conceptul si formatul SMARK KnowHow sunt create ca o alternativa la piata de evenimente de profil, prin relevanta si specificitatea temelor abordate si prin oferirea unei game extinse de informatii pe temele dezbatute.
SMARK este o sursa de knowledge, un instrument de perfectionare si networking pentru cei care lucreaza in marcomm, prin intermediul ei fiind creata o platforma complexa de informare si consultanta in domeniu: publishing, evenimente, rapoarte de cercetare sindicalizate.
SMARK este o marca a Blue Idea, alaturi de IQads, cel mai citit produs media in limba romana dedicat industriei de comunicare.

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zaz2da Wow, great blog.Much thanks again. Fantastic.
Because so many people read your blog, and we're all, as you ptinoed out, in different stages of the process, I think it would be best if you post about each area on a different day. It doesn't have to be the same day each week, though that would be convenient for us readers, but it would be nice to know that there will be a little something for everybody without us having to wait for ages until it's our turn.
I drop a leave a response when I apipecrate a article on a site or if I have something to add to the discussion. It's a result of the sincerness communicated in the post I looked at. And after this post. I was moved enough to post a comment I actually do have a couple of questions for you if you tend not to mind. Could it be simply me or do a few of the responses come across like they are left by brain dead people? And, if you are posting on other sites, I'd like to keep up with you. Could you make a list all of your communal pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?
Yeah, I don't know if it's because I was rindeag old B&Ws recently, but when Cena flipped out on Swagger my first thought wasn't oh no he's Embracing Hate , my mind went directly to the whole You're a champion because of A BRIEFCASE! A BRIEFCASE! thing when he flipped out on Alberto Del Rio for no reason to defend the honor of someone he didn't even like for something everybody did. On Twitter I wrote John Cena gets worked up about the randomest shit. Did anyone tell Eve that Zack Ryder's heart is claimed by another? and didn't realize they were doing the Kane thing until they did that SUPERDRAMATIC CAMERA ANGLE as he cocked back to punch Swagger on the announce table.Speaking of the weird uncomfortable CM Punk promos, I LOVE Punk not making a connection between his casual homophobia/misogyny and saying Men have tried to screw me all the time in the final segment.His legendary promo and AKA The Masked Man's writing about that promo for Grantland (don't feel bad I found you later!) made me get back into wrestling for the first time since 2001 (right around Invasion), and this was BY FAR the best Raw I've seen since I started in late July. I mean, fuck, I saw Bryan come out and I looked down and saw there was 20 minutes left and went, Whoa, this went by fast. THAT NEVER HAPPENS.It was a great show because it managed to be entertaining and tell a story and make its own internal sense while ALSO pointing to places for these characters to go in the weeks going forward, there's a myriad of different things that all of these characters could do, and they ALL have intriguing storylines and different things they're all doing that are MEANINGFUL and INTERESTING, and I'm fucking INTRIGUED for where we go in these next few weeks. So rarely does the WWE seem to care about table setting, for a while it just seemed like every week ended with all the good guys in the ring at the end of the show with the crowd applauding after they easily dispatched all the bad guys even if there was a supposedly big match between the good guy and the bad guy coming up soon. This wasn't a show about the wrestling soap opera giant swerve bullshit twists that don't make any sense, this was telling stories that made sense and continuing on, setting things up for MULTIPLE possibilities with a myriad of characters having stories that actually matter. considering there's been several PPVs this year that filled their card with a couple big matches with little buildup and a bunch of random unannounced matches that didn't mean anything, I am AMPED as to where this goes (presumably somewhere disappointing and stupid as they always seem to fuck everything up, but hell, I can hope).
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