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Adaugat in data de 28-08-2013

Beck`s Green Lemon Sensation - concept Lowe&Partners dezvoltat pentru Beck`s Green Lemon

Beck`s Green Lemon Sensation - concept Lowe&Partners dezvoltat pentru Beck`s Green Lemon

Un tunel format din patru sticle enorme Beck`s Green Lemon, de 4 metri înălțime, legate între ele, și o experiență de neuitat în fiecare “cameră” a sticlei, pentru fiecare dintre cele patru simțuri: văz, auz, simț tactil, miros.
Beck`s Green Lemon Sensations este conceptul de activare tip engagement pe care echipa de creatie Lowe&Partners l-a dezvoltat pentru Beck`s Green Lemon, în perioada 20 iulie - 17 august 2013, în stațiunile de pe litoral. De asemenea, un alt mecanism de activare a fost și apariția unei echipe de motocicliști, fiecare dintre ei însoțiți de o hostess, care au dăruit celor de pe plajă o bere rece.
“Beck`s Green Lemon Sensations a fost mai mult decât o activare, a fost engagement și o altă modalitate de adresare a brandului către consumator, nu prin cuvinte, ci prin experiență trăită. În camera văzului cei curioși au fost întâmpinați initial de întuneric, ca mai apoi să se delecteze cu imagini spectaculoase din lumea subacvatică; auzul le-a fost mângâiat cu sunete ale valurilor mării, în camera de experiență tactilă au pășit pe iarbă rece, ca să se răcorească, iar experiența olfactivă le-a adus arome de lămâie. La final, au trăit experiența totală Beck`s Green Lemon”, spune Corina Angearu, Account Manager Lowe&Partners.
“Pentru un brand de bere, miezul verii este momentul oportun de adresare către consumatori. Litoralul este iarăși o locație perfectă pentru transmiterea mesajului. Echipa creativă Lowe&Partners a găsit și un concept original, care a transformat ceea ce ar fi putut fi o activare sezonieră într-un engagement real între consumator și brand”, spune Ecaterina Bordei, Brand Manager Premium Brands.


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If you'll accept ctmoenms from a transplanted San Franciscan we tend to try to be kind to those from lesser places like that smog bank to the south LOLThere are ATMs everywhere in New York City delis, supermarkets, bagel stores (not something you find in CA), and of course banks.You don't mention which part of Brooklyn you'll be living in, assuming you've already chosen. But supermarkets are easy to find in most neighborhoods. Some are expensive (D'Agostino), some are old fashioned (A P), some are large and popular (Pathmark). There are plenty of other chains.Laundries come in two forms. Do it yourself, where many apartment buildings have a laundry room with both washers and dryers, and there are also commercial laundromats with the same , although they tend to cost more than in the apartment buildings. Finally there is the old hand them your wash and get it back a day or two later, folded, ironed and starched. Not a whole lot of these left, but there are a few.Getting around will be the big culture shock. Probably over half of all New Yorkers do not have a car, and certainly in Manhattan and Brooklyn a car is more of a nuisance than a travel mode. NYC has a horror called alternate side parking, which exists throughout Brooklyn. You will learn to hate it. One way streets make driving confusing at first, especially in areas where the streets are not a grid. Most of Brooklyn is reached easily by bus or subway, and now there is free transfers between them. Remember that NYC is built on islands, so you will cross a lot of bridges, or take tunnels. While a few of the bridges between Manhattan and Brooklyn are still free, Bloomberg is talking of making all of them tolls to discourage cars entering Manhattan. Once you try to park anywhere below 72 Street, you might agree with him. Was this answer helpful?
If you'll accept cemomnts from a transplanted San Franciscan we tend to try to be kind to those from lesser places like that smog bank to the south LOLThere are ATMs everywhere in New York City delis, supermarkets, bagel stores (not something you find in CA), and of course banks.You don't mention which part of Brooklyn you'll be living in, assuming you've already chosen. But supermarkets are easy to find in most neighborhoods. Some are expensive (D'Agostino), some are old fashioned (A P), some are large and popular (Pathmark). There are plenty of other chains.Laundries come in two forms. Do it yourself, where many apartment buildings have a laundry room with both washers and dryers, and there are also commercial laundromats with the same , although they tend to cost more than in the apartment buildings. Finally there is the old hand them your wash and get it back a day or two later, folded, ironed and starched. Not a whole lot of these left, but there are a few.Getting around will be the big culture shock. Probably over half of all New Yorkers do not have a car, and certainly in Manhattan and Brooklyn a car is more of a nuisance than a travel mode. NYC has a horror called alternate side parking, which exists throughout Brooklyn. You will learn to hate it. One way streets make driving confusing at first, especially in areas where the streets are not a grid. Most of Brooklyn is reached easily by bus or subway, and now there is free transfers between them. Remember that NYC is built on islands, so you will cross a lot of bridges, or take tunnels. While a few of the bridges between Manhattan and Brooklyn are still free, Bloomberg is talking of making all of them tolls to discourage cars entering Manhattan. Once you try to park anywhere below 72 Street, you might agree with him. Was this answer helpful?
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