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Adaugat in data de 18-07-2013

ASTRA Asigurari ofera asigurare CASCO pentru cele 24 de aeronave TAROM

ASTRA Asigurari ofera asigurare CASCO pentru cele 24 de aeronave TAROM

ASTRA Asigurari a castigat licitatia organizata de Compania Nationala de Transporturi Aeriene TAROM S.A. pentru achizitia de servicii de asigurare CASCO pentru aeronave civile si piese de schimb (inclusiv asigurare de reducere a fransizei CASCO deductibila la aeronave si motoare de schimb) si de asigurare de raspundere fata de pasageri, bagaje, marfa, posta si terti pentru perioada 1 septembrie 2013 – 30 august 2014.
Astfel, Astra este asiguratorul flotei TAROM pentru al saptelea an consecutiv.

Flota TAROM este formata din 24 aeronave, dintre care doua Airbus 310-300, patru Airbus 318-100, patru Boeing 737-300, patru Boeing 737-700, o aeronava Boeing 737-800, sapte aeronave ATR 42-500, respectiv doua aeronave ATR 72-500.

Iulius-Alin Bucsa, presedinte directorat, Astra Asigurari: La nivel local suntem lideri pe segmentul de asigurari de aviatie de ani buni, prin urmare ne concentram pe extinderea serviciilor de asigurari de aviatie in Europa si America Latina.

Principalii clienti ai ASTRA pe asigurari de aviatie sunt: Tarom, Blue Air, Aeroportul International Henri Coanda Bucuresti, Aeroportul International Bucuresti Baneasa – Aurel Vlaicu, Aeroportul International Timisoara, Aeroportul International Mihail Kogalniceanu - Constanta, Romaero, Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila Romana, Germania Flug.

De altfel, ASTRA Asigurari administreaza, de peste 20 de ani, aproape toate contractele din domeniul aviatiei din Romania, inclusiv TAROM (cel mai mare client local in domeniul asigurarilor de mijloace de transport aerian).

Compania ASTRA Asigurari a platit cele mai mari daune din piata de asigurari aviatice din tara noastra. Este vorba despre cea mai mare dauna platita vreodata in Romania, pentru incidentul in care a fost implicata, in anul 1991, aeronava prezidentiala (33 milioane USD care apartinea ROMAVIA).

De asemenea, a platit 10 milioane USD pentru o aeronava TAROM ca urmare a incidentului aviatic de pe Aeroportul "Henri Coanda" Otopeni din decembrie 2007, iar in aprilie 2008, Astra Asigurari a platit 4,2 milioane  USD pentru o aeronava ROMAVIA.


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Evnoyree would benefit from reading this post
, “Most likely this is the minnsderutandisg I mentioned earlier : wrong interpreting the emptiness of inherent existence as the emptiness of existence itself, such that it seems that nothing exists. This is wrong. If you think you do not exist, then stick a pin in your finger! Even if you cannot identify the I, that it exists is clear.” (page 73)There are three things in that book, I found worth noting, for it seems this is the point of divergence of idealism (in philosophy) with its counterpart philosophies:-i)12 links of dependent arising, if properly grasped, makes the foundation validly founded, and consciousness can become limitless, while mistaken consciousness cannot be increased limitlessly. (page 77)ii)Overcoming the predispositions that accompany the incorrect conception of inherent existence, overcomes the obstruction to omniscience in our own mental continuums ( page 85, 100)iii)Predispositions to incorrect conception of inherent existence, prevents simultaneous knowledge of all objects of existence ( page 95) , direct perception of that object (page 78)To tease out the difference between correct “dependent origination/dependent existence” but incorrect “inherent existence”, page 64 reads, “Thus there is a discrepancy between the way the whole and the parts appear and the way they actually exist, in that they seem to be their own separate entities but actually are not. However this does not mean there are no objects that are wholes, because if there were no wholes, we could not speak of something as being a part of anything for a whole for a whole is that in relation to which something is posited as its part. Hence there are wholes, but their mode of existence is that they are designated in dependence on their parts- they do not exist in any other way.”
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