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Adaugat in data de 11-04-2012 |
Recital inedit al celebrei orcheste Rodenkirchener la Filarmonica din Koln - invitatie Germanwings
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Pe 20 mai 2012, Filarmonica din Köln îşi deschide porţile pentru un recital inedit al celebrei orchestre Rodenkirchener. Alături de aceasta, pe scenă va mai urca renumita soprană Genoveva dos Santos. Toţi iubitorii muzicii clasice sunt aşteptaţi în oraşul de pe malul Rhinului să îşi încânte auzul cu acordul fin al viorilor.
Orchestra va da startul concertului la ora 11:00 a.m. În cadrul concertului vor concerta artişti de talie internaţională precum Wolfgang Rihm, Johannes Brahms şi Daniel Raschinsky.
Filarmonica din Köln este renumită pentru spectacolele unice pe care le găzduieşte şi pentru atmosfera caldă şi elegantă pe care o păstrează.
Orchestra de Cameră Rodenkirchener a fost fondată în anul 1965 sub bagheta lui Rogmans Anselm. În majoritatea timpului orchestra îşi desfăşoară activitatea în Köln, însă la intervale regulate susţine concerte de senzaţie în diferite ţări europene.
"Zboară alături de Germanwings, care te duce într-un univers minunat al muzicii clasice şi îţi oferă oportunitatea să vizitezi un oraş fascinant, cu o istorie bogată. Köln este o metropolă culturală cu deosebite muzee, galerii de artă, teatre, operă şi săli de concerte", spun oficialii companiei.
Germanwings este una din cele mai de succes companii aeriene low-cost din Europa. Compania low-cost oferă zboruri cu plecare de pe cele 5 aeroporturi Köln/Bonn, Stuttgart, Berlin-Schönefeld, Hanovra şi Dortmund în peste 90 de destinaţii europene, Israel şi Africa de Nord. Compania are în prezent o flotă de 32 de avioane de tipul Airbus A319. .
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I loved this post Earl. Thanks for sharing some of the deprtiscions of the exhibits. They really made me stop and think and smile too. I had a boyfriend in high school who ended up being more into anything from Polo Ralph Lauren than me. I'm surprised how long it took me to realize how weird he was lol. He gave me a random gift once (not from Polo) in a Polo bag which would be the object I'd put in the museum because it'd make me laugh. Unfortunately I tossed that bag in the trash many many years ago. I learned from that relationship to pay attention to the small things and that there really are materialistic people out there! -Sydney
I was a bit late to read this post but I'm glad that I saved it til now. I have heard of the Museum of Broken Relationships before but had no idea that it was laetocd in Croatia.Reading your post and reading about the broken relationships really brought home a few Buddhist truths that I have been reading and studying over the last few years. Namely that we all want to be happy and when we are not happy we are in a state of suffering or unsatisfactoriness and we try and do anything we can to get out of that state whether it be through some coping mechanism that we employ or by a rebound relationship to try and help us forget.Most importantly it reinforces the fact that we really are one people. No matter what language we speak, no matter what culture we are from, we all want to love and be loved. It's not just a spiritual need but a psychological one as well.
Heather's just being a pain in the ass and is grouchy for sntiitg in the bitch-seat after a week of 5 people in the car for 3 castles, several local towns, 1 lake and 2 trips to the Stu. That's what happens when you're under 5 . She's lucky she wasn't stuffed in the trunk with her bad attitude.And you're all welcome as long as you want. The downstairs apt is getting set up and dishes are just a pain. You're also welcome to drink whatever you want BUT you will not puss out when we buy shots or drinks. NO does NOT mean NO here. NO means SIEBEN. So shut it, drink it and we'll all puke and get hungover and enjoy it. )Now why wouldn't you want to come?
sagt:Am 27. Juli 2010 ist Ein Frachtflugzeug der Lufthansa aus Frankfurt/Main in der saudi-arabischen Hauptstadt Riad beim Landeanflug am King-Khaled-Flughafen verunglfcckt. Pilot und Copilot seien mit letchien Verletzungen in ein Krankenhaus gebracht worden. Die Maschine vom Typ MD-11 sei aus Frankfurt gekommen und habe etwa 80 Tonnen Fracht an Bord gehabt. Wir hoffen, dass es hier nicht den Blogger Oliver aus Steinhagen erwischt hat!Bei Lufthansa ist die MD-11 in einer Fracht-Version derzeit ausschliedflich bei der Tochter Lufthansa Cargo im Einsatz. Das Unternehmen verffcgte laut jfcngstem Quartalsbericht zuletzt fcber 19 der Maschinen. Jetzt also nur noch 18!Weltweit ist das Flugzeug besonders bei Frachtunternehmen beliebt, die die grodfe Transportkapazite4t und die Wirtschaftlichkeit sche4tzen. Zahlreiche zune4chst als Passagier-Flugzeuge genutzte Maschinen wurden inzwischen zu Frachtfliegern umgebaut.Twitter:
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